Jung used the idea of synchronicity to strip off the fantasy, magic and superstition which surround and are provoked by unpredictable, startling and impressive events, that like these, tend to be connected.
-C.G. Jung, Synchronicity https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/822546-synchronizit-t-als-ein-prinzip-akausaler-zusammenh-nge
Today I would like to write about synchronicity. I often use the word serendipity instead of this one, meaning the same thing, but in support of my adherence to the teachings of the founder of that word, Carl Jung, I will refer to it as synchronicity.
Synchronicity and a Dream
Now I have been thinking alot about this word, especially after the profound and powerful dream I had, about what would be happening in my body. Let me refresh your memory. In February, I had a dream that I recorded where a female voice I could not explain the source of told me very clearly that something was happening in my pelvic area and not to fret...it was not life threatening 'yet'. But if changes and my approach were not made it would turn into something. I woke up from that dream with a "Wow!"
I mean I get a lot of messages in my dreams but they are usually symbolic and cryptic and it takes a great deal of contemplation and research to discover what they might mean...but this one was so easy and straight forward! It was so clear. It stuck with me and I immediately began the next morning to delve even deeper into this mission I was already on to determine what changes I needed to make in my life. I was already seriously contemplating my present living situation. The dream, however, was not clear at all on what those changes should be.
The First Synchronistic Event
Anyway, less than two days after the dream I began to have postmenopausal bleeding which was like a "Wow!This is amazing synchronicity! (I probably used the word: serendipity) At the same time I was tripping on the mystical revelation, I also considered the pathophysiological implications. I know that postmenopausal bleeding of any type should be investigated as soon as possible.
Resisting the Message
But...you knew there was a but coming, right?... Because of the way the idea of having to reactivate health seeking triggers me and drags up very damaging memories and a certain hopelessness that I will get help, I began to discount my dreams. I didn't want to go there.
All the next day I told myself..." Nah...it is just a silly coincidence. You do not want to open up that draining, painful and very shame inducing can of worms again do ya? Sure look at what changes you may need to make in your life but do not do the health seeking thing again. The bleeding is probably nothing and it will stop on its own."
Another synchronistic event
The following day I get a call from my physician for an appointment I didn't even know I had. I mean I had called the pharmacy to get my meds refilled a day or two before but I did not make an appointment with the doctor. I did not even receive a reminder earlier that day that I had an appointment. It was like out of the blue. Just as I was contemplating my dream, I get a call that the doctor is on the line...bizarre. Anyway, I took the appointment with the soul purpose of getting my prescription for heart meds refilled, nothing else. I was not going to tell him about the bleeding....(just like I didn't want to tell him about the mass I palpated a year and a half ago). He started asking me questions, however, about my menopuasal health and despite my active conscious resistance, just like I did with the mass, I blurted out that I was bleeding. It came out from some place deep within me even though I had no intention for it to come out. Once it was out, I definitely tried to down play the whole scenario because I did not want to go back to that department I knew he would send me to for tests and I didn't want to have to depend on the opinion of a certain individual there who I felt, in my gut, had an agenda that superceded the desire to protect the wellness of female patients. (I have a very strong and possibly inexplicable or even unfounded distrust in this person's motivations. I can't get around it!) It would be opening up another can of worms in the sense of making me relive my last painful, long, drawn out health seeking experience.
And Another
Anyway, I reluctantly agreed to go for tests but was immediately filled with memory and dread. Not only that, that very night I began to get severe pain with the bleeding especially on the left side. My body began to speak to me big time. That pain and awful feeling of dread lingered for another two days until I got another call out of the blue.
And Another
This call came from a medical genetics clinic's office admin. She wanted to schedule an appointment with me for pre-testing. I had forgotten that a few months earlier I agreed to do the genetic testing I was offered three other times in my life time. I finally agreed, after recently having another aha moment where I was filled with a certain worry that my daughters could be predisposed to this thing I had that led to all these unhealthy dealings and long painful waits to rule out cancer. If , I figured, I tested negative, that would reduce my worry for them and it would make the waits I and they expereinced much less painful. That was months ago and I had literally forgotten all about it .
And Another
A week later , after I have the test I was dreading getting done in that department , I discover through the pretesting appointment that my family may be at a higher risk than I originally thought, not only for breast cancer, but also for ovarian cancer. And it was like a bell went off in my head, "Ting! Ting! Ting!" The thought immediately occurred to me, "This might just be a cyst or endometriosis but if I do not make some changes it could turn into cancer. Maybe that is what my dream is telling me." Of course, if I test positive for BRC2 the option would be provided me to remove my reproductive organs to prevent ovarian cancer. I am not sure if these are the "changes" that my dream was referring to or not.
And Another
Now when I finally got my other test results back, as I strongly suspected , there was no mention of the left side indicating to me that what ever is there causing the pain is more deeply infiltrated like an endometriosis. And there is a cyst on the right side. These are both far from life threatening issues...but...they both increase the risk for ovarian cancer in a post-menopuasal woman and if I am positive for BRC2 ...then they greatly increase the risk. The reporter indicated that I could go a year without follow up...which would not be good if I am at risk.
I don't care what anyone says I know in my heart that this dream and these events are all connected. The question is to what. What change am I suppose to make?
What Change is the Dream Pointing To?
Has my dream and the synchronicity of the events that immediately followed been trying to prepare me and lead me toward testing and the preventitive measure of making physical changes in my body?
I am not sure if I will test positive but if I do, I now know what option I will take. If I got the call for an appointment before having this dream, I might have, once again, refused the testing...or if I did agree and I tested positive I would probably not agree to take the extreme aproach...but after that dream...I will get tested and I know what I will do should I test positive. Synchronicity has spoken.
I also know that the changes I need to make may have little to do with testing results. It may have to do with my approach to health seeking. Maybe I have to change my approach, to be strong and assertive, standing up for myself and others so we do not have to go through what I went through...so we get teh help we need. Maybe my dream was just telling me, "With every health issue you are given, grow a stronger back bone, speak your truth about how you and others are sometimes treated. Trust yourself and your gut instinct. Use this to heal old wounds and become whole etc."
I also question what I have been questioning long before the dream. Is this living situation healthy for me? I hear a big resounding "No!" in my head. Then I wonder was the dream telling me, if I stay in this situation as it is I will deplete my energy to the point of sickness?
Hmm! There is no doubt in my mind that what I have been experiencing with and since the dream was synchronicity. I know change of some kind needs to be made to protect and preserve my body long enough for me to carry out what I am here to do. And that change involves one or all of the above. Time will tell.
Just So Amazing!
Pretty cool though, isn't it? Knowing that there is something so much grander and wiser than this little body and mind we identify as "me" guiding us through this human experience is both amazing and comforting.
Please check out the video I "happened" upon this morning just when I was contemplating this wonderful thing called synchronicity. It was excatly what I needed at that moment in my life. Amazing!
All is well!
APC-SF (March,2020) The Power of Coincidence on the Spiritual Path. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDxzFm-GBnY
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