There are many events in the womb of time that wait to be delivered.
Othello: Act 1,Scene 3
Another Dream
I had another dream last night. Just a scene popped up in the middle of another dream like some unexpected ad indicating that an action is required in a certain area, not for me but someone I love. There was no words ...just this symbolic snippet and I woke up knowing that if this action did not take place soon then there would be very dramatic consequences for him. I walked around the house at 5 am feeling almost panicked and in need to have this thing I do not feel okay about disclosing here even though it is nothing sinister taken care of. After a few minutes pacing, I told myself there was nothing that could be done at five in the morning and went back to sleep. When I woke up again at 8 I was off...didn't feel grounded, felt physically ill almost and I compulsively proceeded to take care of this thing for the other person, knowing at the same tme it wasn't mine to take care of. Well, I ran into some obstacles and ws unable to complete the task. Feeling totally off kilter I resorted to a simple meditation to ground me. It worked. I will soon begin the task again when I am finished here. Figured writing about synchronicity will also help settle me a bit more. we go ...these are some of the amazing things I learned or was reminded of about Carl Jung's explanation of the word he coined.
What Synchronicity Means?
Syn/chronic/ity...can be broken into sylables that mean the coming together in time and timing. External events will often coincide with internal events. For example, a dream or a thought (Internal) about, say, someone you have not seen in years, may result in you running 'coincidentally' into that person the next day(external). My dream about something going on in my body was met with several coinciding events within a certain time period.
Fate and Destiny
The belief then is that this goes beyond mere random coinicdence and is related to what some term "fate" or "destiny" . It is not random chance but meaningful chance. It is determined by something much greater than our "little" egos and what we believe ourselves to be (mind/body forms) .
One World
Jung teaches that there is one world, 'Unus Mundus' and this world includes both the consciousness of each individual and every happening in the universe. Mind and matter are merely two aspects of one reality.
Bringing the Light to Darkness
There are points of correspondence between inner and outer worlds, between mind and matter that tell us about our destiny. What is our destiny according to Jung? To bring the light of consciousness into the darkness. Our destiny is to go from not seeing clearly to seeing clearly and to help others see clearly who we really are. We need to look into our own darkness, our shadow selves, and integrate all the good, bad, and ugly into a unified whole. This may also mean going blindly into our suffering, our 'dark night of the soul' so we can come out the other side into morning, a new awakening. We are here to reach our whole and full potential. ...what Jung called Individuation. When we find that we will be fulfilled.
When we are open and ready for that evolution, many quirky things will happen. We will receive guidance from something far greater than our little mes and this guidance can come in the form of synchronicity. Events in the outer world will match up with our internal worlds For me, it comes in dreams, poetry, strange but not random 'coincidences' , very powerful gut feelings, and other kooky things. :)
It will only happen , however, when the time is right. We cannot force this transformation because it is determined by the One Mind...not our puny little ego minds. We will only evolve to the next step when the time is right and we are ready. Readiness is crucial. We cannot force this evolution. The universe will push us and gently nudge us forward when we and it are ready. That is when we will notice its interventions in the form of little synchronistic events. Our destiny, then, is revelaing itself to us. We can affirm our readiness by reciting this mantra often "I am ready for the next step and I am open to that."
Being Open and Trusting
This is more of a letting go and trusting that everything around us is a participant in the process by which we evolve,than something we do It is not something we as a little self does. We need to let go and let the Higher Self take over. Thy will be done, rather than may 'my' will be done.
And we have to be open, paying attention to the "signs" or whatever you want to call them when they come. Do not ignore these gut feelings, these dreams, these so called 'coincidences' . See them for what they are...a treasury of wisdom.
Seeking Help from Ancestors
Jung also encourgaes us to seek help from our ancestors who are also participating in our evolution. He uses the term "collective unconscious" to speak to the energy of those who passed on that still remains around us, guiding and supporting. Why does that sound so 'airy fairy' for most of us? Indiginous people have been seeking guidance from their ancestors since the beginning of human time. Jung refers to what they offer us in the form of memory, genetic transmission, and some deeper , more 'airy fairy' connection as the "treasury of wisdom".
What are we here to do?
The Franciscan order, following the teaching of Saint Francis, teaches that everyone of us is created for a purpose, that we have a job to do and we need to ask on daily basis, "What has God called me in existence to be?"
The higher Self is always pushing us towards what it is we are here to do and the ego dominated little self is always resisting our growth and transformation. And is the ego that is our demon, not some force outside of us. This demon will inflate us or deflate us in an attempt to prevent us from connecting to our higher Self and our purpose. It is the ego that says, "Don't listen to that nonsense" when things are revealed through synchronicity.
Tricky Ego
Yes the ego is tricky and sometimes we erroneously are guided by its motivations, believing them to be synchronicity. Brother Jude, reminds us in the video, that if we are really honest with ourselves and take the time to stop, contemplate, or meditate over some guidance we assume we are receiving...we will be able to tell if it is ego, what we want to see happening or the Higher Self which echos where we are being called to go speaking to us. Stop, listen and know. or as it says in psalms, "Be still and know that I am God."
Hmm! So much beautiful wisdom in this discussion. Please check it out for yourself!
All is well!
PSA-SF ( March 2020) The Power of Coincidence on the Spiritual Path -with David Richo PHD and Brother Jude Hill SSF.
This is a post dated Add on ( January 12, 2022)
I was rereading this today when I checked my site to see that it was read by another, and though I think I relayed this information in a following entry ...I felt compelled to relay it here.
Everything, absolutely everything, I had seen in that dream snippet...happened. I knew it was going to happen that weekend and it happened at 7 Pm Sunday night. I second guessed myself all weekend but the feeling (fear and apprehension, the pull to do something about it) would not go away. I kept warning the individual involved, told him about my dream, giving him all the details: the 'what', the 'when', the 'how', the 'who' and the 'where'...said "it was one of those kind you can't ignore"...scared him a little... but by Sunday afternoon he was more or less conceding that I was crazier than a bag of hammers... Even after it I had told him it would... he said it was just a coincidence and dismissed it. I, on the other hand, was blown away.
Anyway...whatever it was , was pretty darn kooky, don't you think?
All is well.
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