Saturday, May 1, 2021

A Reminder to Live


Deepening The Wonder 

Death is a favour to us,
But our scales have lost their balance.

The impermanence of the body
Should give us great clarity,
Deepening the wonder in our senses and eyes

Of this mysterious existence we share
And are surely just traveling through.

If I were in the Tavern tonight,
Hafiz would call for drinks

And as the Master poured, I would be reminded
That all I know of life and myself is that

We are just a mid-air flight of golden wine
Between His Pitcher and His Cup.

If I were in the Tavern tonight,
I would buy freely for everyone in this world

Because our marriage with the Cruel Beauty
Of time and space cannot endure very long.

Death is a favour to us,
But our minds have lost their balance.

The miraculous existence and impermanence of Form
Always makes the illuminated ones
Laugh and Sing.

by Hafiz

Isn't that absolutely beautiful? 

Huh?  What the heck does it mean? 

Hafiz is telling us that our span here in this existence is short...we are just travelling through ...we are that liquid that flows between His Pitcher ( the infinite, eternal  Source of everything) and His cup( the vessels we end up in that are finite and impermanent). If we could only allow ourselves to look deeply at the impermenance of form and see our bodies as simply vessels that temporarily hold that which is permanent...we would celebrate and share all we have to offer with everyone and the whole world. 

As the wise ones know, this awareness of death can remind us to play, to dance, to laugh, to sing, to enjoy, to give and to love for the short time we are here, celebrating in the miracle of Life. Yet, too many of us have minds that have "lost their balance" ...that judge things as good or bad, things worthy of considration or things that  need to be denied. Death has become such a thing in this twisted way many of us look out at the world.We consider it dark and something we want to avoid considering.

 When we run from Death...we do not live. We are looking at only one side of existence. When we do not consider both sides, the  contrast, that every bit of light has darkness, every front has a back,  every coming has a going...we are not balanced. 

Let's, instead, learn to look at death and impermenance  as something that balances the scale..that creates equanimity, wholeness and that also offers  a reminder to live.  Hmm! 

All is well in my world. 

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