Do you want to try to change the world so it doesn't disturb your Samskaras, or are you willing to go through this process of purification?
Michael Singer
Hmm! This is a big question for me. I have been writing and talking about how I so desperately need to make a change in my external world as if that will solve all my problems. Not?
Whatever is happening in my external world is simply triggering some inner world stuff. It is activating some Samskaras which are blockages, according to Michael Singer ( page 53) , an impression from the past. It's an unfinished energy pattern that ends up ruining your life.
I have some old knots in me, some unhealed emotions stuck inside plaque around the cusps of my spiritual mitral valve creating an unhealthy opening and closing in reaction to what Life throws my way.
Our perceptions are meant to sense what is going on in the now... take the "energy" of things outside us in we can experience them and then this energy is meant to pass through us so we can be there fully in the next moment. Life energy from experience is just suppose to flow through us.
The heart is like a big beautiful center for that to happen. Most energy just passes through as it is meant to. Unfortunately, mind sometimes steps in and says "Oh No! That cannot go through! Too painful. " So we resist this particulat event.
Or it says "Wow! That is wonderful! Hang on to this one. This is what you want all the tme. Look for more of this and whatever you do do not let this go!" So we cling to certain emotional energy.
This energy of a resisted or clung to experience gets stored in our heart like vegatation from a staph infection...affecting how the valve works and therefore affecting how the energy of Life is passed through us. It affects the way we process Life. This is a Samskara...a blockage of energy in our hearts .
The only way to fix it is...not by controlling all the events out there...making sure we have positive circumstance to stimulate the positive energies we have stuck...or to push away, avoid and resist the negative circumstance so it doesn't trigger our negative stuck energy.
Healing means fixing the valve...removing the plaque and vegetation the samskaras leave behind. We need a type of open heart surgery...but not the kind that replaces a valve...the kind that releases the valve. We get that through accepting all that is...relaxing and releasing into our pain.
Sure it will hurt for a bit If it was stored with pain, it will release with pain. but when we allow the energy from these trapped emotions to be released we heal in the ultimate of ways and we get what Singer refers to as "a permanently open heart" ....which is the ultimate state of being alive.
Something to think about!
All is well!
Micheal Singer (2007) the untethered soul. New Harbinger/Noetic Books
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