Deepak Chopra
I have been thinking somewhat about where I am in life and I realize more and more it is all a mental trip. Wellness, which I will use to describe a joyful energetic body, a loving compassionate heart, a reflective, intelligent mind and lightness of being ( Deepak Chopra; 2016), begins and ends in the mind, does it not?
If we can go inward and work on understanding how we think and feel...see where it is limiting us...we can work on removing those limitations to attain and maintain the optimal wellness we deserve. We need to understand that wellness is perfect harmony between body, emotion, thought and spirit.
The Body
I am not where I want to be on the wellness scale yet. My body is not yet joyful or energetic. The more I understand life...the more I see that this is what illness is...a body that is not as energetic as needed so one can express joy the way it is meant to be expressed. We express joy through living fully. We are not well when we are not living fully. That's all.
Ego needs labels, descriptors, categories, objective findings only to understand doesn't look at what illness really is. It doesn't want to take it that far. many people in this world would be ill...if we looked at it this way?
Ego wants us to stay focused on external, physical reality that can be measured using the five senses. Yet a lack of wellness is so much more than that. My body is lacking energy and I am not expressing joy the way I am meant to. If life can only be found in this moment...why would we choose fatigue, depression and safety over joy and energy? Sure we may find the sweet spot for symptom management but would we be living? We would be like magnificent boats washed up on shore rather than sailing on the ocean where we belong.
If all life this moment, how would you spend it? I am tired of playing the safe game to preserve my body's expiration date. I want to spend the rest of my life living...not dying.
The thing is...with more joy...the body will eventually feel more energy...the positive kind...and with more positive energy vibrating from cell to can I not help but get better? How can I not help but know wellness. There is no time for wellness but now! I don't want to live like this anymore!
The emotions that will bring the most wellness to our lives are compassion and Love. Is your heart as compassionate and loving as you want it to be? I still have a big fat ego that pulls me from compassion and Love from time to time.
So the more I understand the ego in my relationships...the more I can see that I don't want it ruling my life. :) I aim to get around it. I work on choosing my emotions. I make feeling good my priority.
Kindness feels so much better than being right. Love feels so much better than fear. Peace feels so much better than stress. I am going inward, past the egoic mind, more often and I radiate more love and compassion outward when I do that.
Thought is ego's closest alli but it doesn't have to be. We can overcome our thinking. If we want to heal from anything...we need to examine how we are thinking and believing, see how that is influencing our wellness and make the appropriate changes.
True healing comes when we allow Spirit to dominate our lives rather than ego. We will know spirit is in charge when we no longer cling to our notions of "specialness" and see the same likeness[lightness :)] of being in everyone we meet. When we realize that there is not one human ...not one species...out there that is better than us or worse than us...that we are all blessed with "beingness" that comes form the Divine...we are more than on our way to wellness. As for my lightness of being...there is still some "specialness" issues to work on before I realize that I am no better or no worse than anyone else. But I am trying. I will get there.
So I am well on my way to least the "wellness' I have come to understand as essential to a healthy, happy life. My healing journey may never be supported by a system or viewed as a worthy by another; it may not lengthen my life...just the contrary...but it will bring, peace, joy, Love, compassion, freedom of thought and Spirit to everything I do ! I will get there.
All is well!
Chopra, D. (2016) A Morning Meditation with Deepak Chopra. Huff Post. Retrieved from
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