Eckhart Tolle
(Manual Mode; f/7.1; 1/80 secs; ISO 200)
I love photography because it reminds me of the wisdom found in Tolle's words (above). I want my glass to go through the obvious to what is beneath.
What is Beneath?
I seek the Being in every thing I shoot. I seek the stillness. Capturing something in a simply making that stillness obvious and available to all. I want to stop and quiet the moment. I try to catch it in all its simple and perfect essence. "This is what life is right here, right now" what I want my pictures to say.A little too deep for me, crazy lady. Just shoot a nice picture I can put up on my Facebook or Twitter page (beside my selfies) lol
It is all good! All is well in my world.
Thanks to Brainy Quote:
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