Thursday, November 30, 2023

The SImplicity of True Wisdom

I am without form, without limit, I am beyond space, beyond time.  I am in everything; everything is in me.  I am the bliss of the universe. Everywhere I am. I am sat chit ananda, absolute experience, absolute knowledge, absolute bliss....tat taum aussi.  I am that. I am that. 

Swami Ram Kir

Listened to this podcast today and Ram Dass shared these words from the Indian mystic above.  They are important words I think but probably very challenging for many of us in the west to accept as our reality.  We are so addicted to our little minds and all the dramas of our personal worlds that we fail to see who we truly are at the deepest level. We are so addicted to the form we obsessively put our attention on, that we fail to see the formless nature of who we are. We do not fully realize this truth: "I see my experiences as projections of my own attachments."

We need to remember that we are spirits on earth having the odd human experience, not humans who have the odd spiritual one. We need to remember the "being" in Human Being!

I love this prayer or intention, that Ram Dass shared as well:

May your every act in life, down to your very breath, be a vehicle for bringing matter into spirit and spirit into matter. May you become a transformation so you can live in the world but not of the world, so you are both the word and the silence, you are the form and the formless, with every breath.

Al is well.

Baba Ram Dass (1980) The Circle/Ram Dass Full Lecture.

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