Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The Tiny Fish bowl of your mind

Eternal ecstasy?  When you stop staring at you, that is what is there.

Michael Singer

I reminded some one last evening, "You are greater than that mind that convinces you that you can only be okay if you  get what you want." 

I wanted them to see that the reason they didn't feel healthy  is because they were very narrowly focusing on something that wasn't healthy. That they were not it and what they really were could not be damaged by it.  Didn't go over well but that was my argument before I let go and released the choices they were making. 

Like most of us, this person's consciousness was focusing on what was broken and destructive rather than on what was beyond that. Why? Because they couldn't get what they thought they wanted. It was hard to convince them that beyond this mind with its desires and aversions, its drama and mess was pure peace and happiness.  After the conversation, I had to go to great effort to remind myself. Sigh! I too had closed and found myself looking down at what was not okay. I have to redirect my focus back on that which cannot be touched by this narrow focus. 

All is well.

Michael A. Singer/Temple of the Universe ( November 27, 2023) A Lot to Be Thankful For.

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