Energy is useful only if you direct it in the ways you want. That is when a human being transforms into a spiritual possibility.
I just listened to Michael A. Singer's podcast from yesterday on Energy and synchronistically opened up to the chapter I am at in Sadhguru's book, Karma, to discover that too was about energy. I would like to just connect the similar points in each teaching.
It is all about transforming the energy.
Yoga, according to both teachers, is based on the premise that all form is energy and vibration that emerges from a state of no-thing. Even though the form may change it is still energy.
- But do not forget the source from which it had sprung. The source may be no-thing, but implicit in it is great possibility: the possibility to become 176
- Singer, also points out, that beneath all form is energy or vibrations and that yoga always taught that and now science is also doing the same with the discoveries it is making studying the sub-sub-atomic particles: quarks, bosons and leptons.
The practice of yoga helps to transform this energy from a lower state to a higher state.We can work on the energy body, raise our energy levels through yoga. Kriya yoga is mentioned by both as a direct way to work with the energies in the body. Sadhguru warns that though Kriya is not structured to harm us, we must work on all aspects of the being ...mental, emotional, social and physical the same time we raise the energy levels. (That is why most Kriya is for those initiated in the process)
Both agree that all aspects of yoga (the eight limbs) are important in merging the fire of purification with the light of illumination. Prana through pranayama is the part of yoga that helps to merge fire with light. If we want to change the direction our lives are going in, we should attempt to purify first, to practice dealing with life and our karma...what Sadhguru describes as a recycling of old energy we had stuffed inside in the form of vasanas and what Singer refers to as samskaras...that which drives us forward throughout life. (This could encompass loosely the first three limbs) The practice of the fifth limb of yoga: Pratyahara ( inner reflection); the sixth limb: dharana(single pointed concentration); and the 7th limb Dhyana (a state of merging into meditation)....can help prepare us for Samadhi the goal of our practice...dissolving into nothingness.back into life itself.
- with a constant practice, the aspiration is to unburn the pot, to dissolve it into pure clay. You are melting teh frozen complex of habits and predispositions into pure energy. Sadhguru, 178
- Only when your energies become this fluid can you sit and meditate...This is becasue you have now become pure life: you are no longer a bundle of thoughts and impressions. You are in a state of receptivity and grace....Sadhguru, page 178
- Transformation means you lose your original form and are completely willing to take on new forms. You become an unburnt 179
- You are a great being of are the highest vibration there is but you are staring at lower energy
- If your consciousness stopped looking at physical form and mental and emotional would realize Self...go back to consciousness itself
Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe (November 9, 2023) Energy-The Dance Between Consciousness and Form.
Sadhguru (2021) Karma: A Yogi's Guide to Crafting Your Destiny. New York: Harmony Books
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