Monday, November 13, 2023

On Great Literature and Drama (G.O.T.)

 The Dragon Knew

 Over the crumbling city and the death cries 

of those lost beneath it,

the throne so many longed for, 

killed for, 

died for 

is destroyed by one fiery breath 

One thousand sought after swords 

forged by the same fire, 

now  melted into ashes 

by the grieving roar of a beast 

who understood what Lord Krishna and the Buddha knew:

Desire...being attached to the fruit of action... 

is the root of all human  suffering...

Put down your swords, 

your  useless titles and claims, 

learn what the dragon knew, 

and like a flake of Snow 

returning to an endless winter, 

merge with the Life you are. 


(This is not what I meant by great art lol.  It just came out.)

We just finished binging Game of Thrones...the first six seasons we seen years ago  but the last two were new to us. So we went back and started at the beginning. We  binged, I mean, we binged, drawn to every episode like a heroin addict is drawn to their drug. It obsessed us.  That is what great storytelling does.  

What an amazing mind Martin has...what talent. He was able to depict the human tendency, the human drama so well even if his genre was fantasy. And the producers, who took this epic tale and brought it to film in a way that drew the audience in like it did, were brilliant as well. 

How lucky we are as humans to have this type of entertainment, to have art, literature, drama etc to enjoy, express, learn from  and distract with . (Well binging the way we did  may be a bit too much distracting lol) 

There is an essence in great art that goes way beyond the mind. It must be a gift from a higher source to enhance our journeys here. Those that create it are blessed with something that comes from a deeper place than psyche. I truly believe that.

There are messages and life lessons hidden in all of it, as well.  If we look hard enough, we will find it.

All is well.

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