Tuesday, November 7, 2023

One Single Candle

 All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of one single candle.

St Francis  of Assisi

Sometimes it feels like darkness in the form of "negativity"  is taking over, doesn't it?  So much suffering inside and outside of us.  It feels we cannot escape it.  It "appears" that we are being swallowed whole by this darkness. What is this darkness? 

Darkness is nothing, absolutely nothing more than the absence of light. Negativity, fear, depression, suffering is nothing more than absence of light in the form of Love.  We just need to light one tiny candle for the darkness to go away....one genuine positive thought, one compassionate well wish for self or another, one act of kindness, one brave step away form the darkness and then there will be light.  

 Light dispels the illusion of darkness, but darkness can never dispel the reality of light. 

All is well!

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