"Do you see the sun reflected in the puddle?"
Savitri nodded. "I do."
"Then watch."
Ramana stepped into the water, stirring up the mud and roiling the water's smooth surface. "Can you still see the sun's reflection?" Savitri admited that she couldn't. "This is why people cannot find the soul," said Ramana. "It is muddied by the mind's constant activity and confusion. When I destroyed the sun's reflection I didn't kill the sun. It is eternal, and nothing I do can extinguish it. Now you know the secret of the soul, which even Death cannot extinguish."
Exerpt from Deepak Chopra's Life After Death: The Burden of Proof. ( page 47)
I am reading the above book. I was more or less drawn to it as I have been contemplating death a lot lately. Many would find that very morbid, I suppose. I find it very healing. The greatest fear in Life, that most of us have, besides the fear of public speaking lol, is the fear of death. It is one of those painful realities we have been conditioned in Western Culture to repress and supress...to stuff way, way down. This fear and the pain of contemplating this fear do not go away and it is constantly triggered by outside events. There really is no escaping this reality but man do we try to!
I have learned, over the years dealing with one fear or another, that the best way to approach something we are afraid of is right on...I think with death that we have to get past our cultural and conditioned resistance and really look at it, examine it, contemplate it, observe how we react to the idea of it etc. We need to eventually accept and allow death into the human experience. There really is no escaping it...so getting a better undersatnding of it, is the only option.
When we are willing to look at death openly we begin to look at Self openly and to make contact with that thing we think we have lost but that was never lost, the Soul ( as it is referred to it Christian terms). Once we make contact with the Soul...we see that there is no such thing as death...the Soul goes on, and on, and on...like the sun. All that is extinguished when death comes is the physical form, and personality but not the essence of the individual that has passed.
Anyway, I gotta go!
All is well.
Deepak Chopra (2006) Life After Death: The Burden of Proof. Three Rivers Press: New York
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