Monday, July 26, 2021

Messy Inside

Our inner 'issues' are the road map to spirituality....The messier we are  inside the better.

Michael Singer

Just thinking about yesterday's entry and all the stuff I spewed out about my resistance to a certain thing I have been living with and reacting to ( I use 'thing' becasue , by no means, am I referring to the person or persons involved...just behaviour and energy that can sometimes surround them )  I felt so bad about I was the farthest thing from evolved as a person could be, almost 'evil' in my resistance and I felt shame. Upon  hearing the above words from  the video listed below, however, I feel better.   I realize that my seeking to understand this is actually a step toward spiritual serenity and letting go.  

It is only in noticing the obstacle, a willingness to look at it and admit honestly to self or others that it is there...can we go through the work of removing it.  Our spiritual work is simply the removal of these obstacles, what Patanjali referred to as mental modificatons, that are there is the way of our natural state of peace.  Peace is there where it always was...we just can't see it because of all the mental crap/inner issues we got lost in... inside. 

Removing these issues, one by one, will allow us to reconnect with what as always there.

Hmm! Something to think about. 

All is well.

Michael Singer/ Sounds True ( July, 2021) Doing the Real work to Free Yourself.


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