Monday, July 5, 2021

A Grandmother's Promise


 For My Granddaughter

Though the same ancestors

that whisper within  me, 

 sing softly to you as you dream,

you are not mine.

You belong to Something

so much greater than this 

aging earthly form of mine,

of anything this world can provide. 

Neither,  am I your mother, 

your father 

or your brother-to-be

in this world that 

is now your home.

Nor am I like  the other grandparents 

you call Poppy and Nannie

who live so close

they claim you as their own.

I can claim nothing.

I am simply a heart 

that swells when it sees you,

a mind that so wants 

to teach you and  create stories for you,

a mouth that cannot help 

but smile and laugh when it is with you,

ears that turn your giggles into music,

arms that ache  to hold you,

a lap that is here to rock you,

eyes that see every bit of you

in your perfect imperfection.

And I am a soul that has known this "you" 

much longer than you have known yourself.

As you wobble,  pitter patter and run 

through this life God has given you

on chubby, awkward feet,

experiencing each blade of grass,

each bit of light that shines on you,

each face you encounter

as something miraculous and new...

I will not stand in your way,

or fill your mind with 

explanations and limiting labels.

I will just watch in awe

as you breathe it all in. 

I will not demand your time, 

your attention,

any special affection

nor  will I ever expect

that you be in anyway like me...

But my darling, precious  girl...

please know 

I will always be here 

with my heart, my eyes 

and my arms wide open


to recieve you exactly as you are...

whenever you reach for Nana.

Happy Birthday!

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