Teaching and learning are your greatest strengths now, because they enable you to change your mind and help others to change theirs.
Egoless Teachers
Okay...back to what I wrote yesterday. I always caution to be weary of a teacher's motivation. Even the greatest teacher, who is still wrapped in an ego, can lose their sense of purpose. Ego can take hold and allow the teacher to "use" the student for their own purposes. We see that in many so called "cults".
There are vey, very few "egoless" teachers out there. The poem reflects the presence of a true egoless teacher in our lives...one encased in many forms , coming from different traditions, with different verbal descriptions and stories reflecting the culture of many different times but with one thing in common...direct connection with the Divine Truth. ( I know that could get me in trouble with those who worship the separate form of a Teacher).
One Truth/One Teacher?
Words from these teachers are encapsulated in doctrines and scriptures that we follow as the Truth...We identify with each variation and interpretation as "our separate truth" and "the 'right' truth" but...I honestly believe, there is just One Truth in all of it... so much of the One Uniting Truth the teachings were pointing to gets lost in the translation and interpretation. (And again that would be considered blasphemous to many). I don't mean to offend or diminish anyone's belief systems...I am just compelled to look into this possibility, to question and to explore because I am "not sure" about anything anymore. Yet I feel so very compelled to look for that One Uniting Truth in all faiths.
I no longer identify with one belief system. Like so many are gender-fluid these days, I am Faith - fluid. And I have no idea of why or how I got here really...but I am. I don't know why I write what I write on this blog...how or why I come here everyday. It baffles me. I just know that I have to be here.
I also need to restate that I have no grandiose ideas that I am an expert. I am somewhat of a teacher only because I am a learner. I teach to learn and I learn to teach. To me, they go hand and hand. And I am far, far from egoless at this time. So...do not for a second ...put your faith blindly in what I have to say here...please! I am not sure about anything. If something I have written resonates a bit...explore within yourself why it resonates. I would also encourage you to check out the references I place below most entries...to check in with the real experts, okay?
There are three paths or vehicles to understanding Truth, according to the Buddhist teachings: The small, medium and Great paths.
In the small path, which is also called the King-like path, the learner is self-motivated and desires to become enlightened first. In the medium path, or the "Ferry-Keeper" path, the learner wishes to help others cross over to understanding while they too awaken. ( I believe, that is where I am). And the Great Path, is a path that transcends the paradox of Self and other. If I learn, all learn. If I awaken...all awaken. ACIM speaks to this as well. Each of us is the light of the world, and by joining our minds in this light we proclaim the Kingdom of God together and as one. (ACIM-T-6:II:13:5).
For the most part, I am a medium vehicle...on the medium path. Where are you?
Anyway, so much to write about because there is so much I am learning . I do not want to "stuffocate" you. (That is another cool word I heard from the link below.) I will be back.
All is well!
Plum Village ( June 2019) Eight Realizations of Great Beings/dharma talk from Br. Phap Hai.Deer Park. Part 4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rw8dXB5SylI
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