Saturday, June 27, 2020

Don't Resist; Just Refocus

Across my consciousness comes a constant procession of thoughts and I observe them. I do not make up these thoughts - I know they come from the Universal Subconscious Mind, and I watch as they are presented to me. I slow the train of thoughts. I examine each of them, then let go, neither accepting nor rejecting.
Andersen, Uell S.. Three Magic Words ....Sixth Meditation

What we resist persists

The more we fight the mind and resist the thoughts that show up on it...the more the mind fights back.  Did you ever notice that?

If I told you right now not "to think of close your eyes and think whatever comes up but not about ice cream. when you open your eyes, for one full hour,  you can think of whatever you want but not ice cream!

How did you make out? My guess is the first thing you thought of was probably ice-cream and that thought kept popping up for that hour.  Why?  Because what we resist persists.

We Are Not Putting the Thoughts in Our Minds

We also have to remember that we, as separate little selves, are not creating our  own individual thoughts.  We are just tapping into a storehouse of thoughts, feelings and experiences already established in the universal sub-conscious mind we all share. The thoughts of ice-cream  are already there.  We just water them and allow them to grow with our focus and attention.

Resistance Makes Our Thoughts Grow Stronger

When I told you "not" to think of ice-cream " ... you ended up watering ice-cream because you were focusing on "not"  watering it. Ice-cream kept getting watered the more you resisted thinking about it until it grew into and it became something your conscious mind created.  Resistance was the "vita-grow" enriched water you poured over the seed of this thought. It grew into your conscious mind.

 And what you may have noticed, as well, the more you resisted thinking about ice-cream, the more the thought grew in the conscious mind...and...the more evidence of ice-cream you may notice in the external environment.  In that one hour, you may have run into ads or commercials about ice-cream, the ice cream truck will come by, the store will announce a 2 for 1 sale on their tubs of ice-cream.  People everywhere will be eating ice cream.

Resistance is often more powerful than intention.  It is important to know that when you avoid  looking at your bills; stuffing pain away so you or others can't see it or struggle against the way something currently is.

The object is not to resist that which you do not want in your mind and therefore in your life,  but to realize it has nothing to do with you.  That thought of ice-cream or money is in the collective universal subconscious. You didn't put it there and you are not responsible for getting it out of there.  All you have to do is decide if it is something you want to water and see growing or something you want to let go of, so you can focus that powerful attention on something you want in your life.

Allow All Thoughts to Pass By

So allow all your thoughts to just pass by as you observe them without judgment.  Recognize them, don't deny them or push them away. Just allow them to be. If they are sticky and tenacious pick them up and hold them close for second before sending them back on their way. Do not accept or reject any of them as more of a passing thought. 

When you see "ice-cream" or whatever thought, feeling or "problematic" experience you have been trying to avoid...recognize it, allow it, and embrace it.  You can when you are ready look deeply into the causes of it...but only when you mastered the letting go part. Let it go...just let it go with a "this does not serve me now and it will not serve me or others in the future".  Allow it to pass by.

Refocus your Attention

Now place your attention on what you do want. A loving thought, a giving thought, a healthy thought, feeling or experience passes by...recognize that  (How?  It makes you feel good!) , allow that, and refocus your attention on it...hold it  to your chest without clinging or grasping and then let it go with the affirmation, and the faith and the trust that you will see more of this thought and feeling thing in your mind and in your life.

Hmmm!  This is what healing the mind/healing our lives is all about, according to Uell S. Andersen.  Kind of makes sense , doesn't it?

All is well.

Andersen, Uell S.. Three Magic Words . BN Publishing. Kindle Edition

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