Saturday, June 20, 2020

Lesson 190-200

It is your thoughts alone that cause you pain. Nothing external to your mind can hurt or injure you in anyway.
ACIM-W-190: 5: 1-2

To alter your life the only single course open is to alter your thinking!
Andersen, Uell S..

Hmmm! This is what I have been contemplating as I finish reading Andersen's book.  I see how ACIM supports a lot of his teachings.  It seems fitting to write of my understanding of the next ten lessons.  (I have been neglecting to finish this mission, so wrapped up was I in other things.  My bad! :))

Lesson 190

This lesson speaks to the fact that it is thought and thought alone that causes pain...namely an incorrect perception  It  goes on to make a very strong statement that if we believe pain is a real thing...namely some random external thing that has the power to hurt us, than we cannot truly believe in God. If God is real, there is no pain. If pain is real, there is no God. (I have to think about that statement before I comment further.) The lesson goes on to say that the world seems to be causing us pain, but the world is cause less.  It is we  that create the world with our unskillful thinking, so it is  we that create pain with our thinking. Pain is illusion; joy reality. Pain is but sleep; joy is awakening. Peace is deception; joy alone is truth. (Peace is deception?  Have to think about that one too but I am assuming right off that A Course is referring to ego's "idea" of peace, not peace itself)When we realize who we truly are and from Whom we came...we will realize this and no longer suffer pain.

This coincides beautifully with what I read from Andersen today:

Once we have come far enough to realize that all pain-physical, mental, and emotional-proceeds from errors in thinking, we are well on the way to filling our lives with vigor, abundance and joy...
Chapter 11

Lesson 191

This lesson speaks to how we have denied  our identities as "the holy son of God Himself." It teaches that if we could only believe, what I am already guessing the three magic words from Andersen's book, are alluding to...We would be free from all our illusions of this world that we created with our minds.  We would be free of suffering by realizing our Oneness with everything.

Lesson 192

In this lesson we are reminded that our function, while here in physical form,  is forgiveness.  Until we completely evolve as a race...we will need forgiveness as a means of letting go of all our illusions. We are to forgive others as well as our selves for our errors in thinking and judgment which  result in our actions. Only thinking can relieve the mind of thinking that the body is its home.

Lesson 193

Lesson 193 offers us lessons God would have us learn in order to correct our erroneous perceptions. The major point behind the lessons is Forgive, and you will see this differently. When we perceive ourselves to be suffering because of circumstance or others we are in bondage.  All we need to do to free ourselves is to remember these words and learn to believe them. Forgive !  Forgive!  Forgive!

Lesson 194

Here we are asked to let the future go and place it in God's Hands.  Instead of worrying anxiously over what tomorrow may or may not bring, we are encouraged to simply Let go and Let God! The world and our brother will stop appearing, then, to be the enemy.  We will be free.

Lesson 195

In this lesson we are taught to be sincerely grateful through Love.  Knowing that our freedom from bondage will bring everyone to freedom we walk the road to god in Love.

Lesson 196

Despite the lies ego tells us, we need to know that when we hurt another, we hurt ourselves.  We do not fear others, we fear ourselves and when we realize this we can step back away from fear and into Love. Love allows us to see how w are all One.

Lesson 197

Keeping on the thought stream that we are really all One, this lesson teaches that when we are grateful it is us that earn the gratitude. When we accept the gifts we have been given gratefully they are accepted by all.

Lesson 198

Forgive, don't condemn!

When we condemn another, we end up injuring ourselves by accepting this illusionary possibility. Since there is no form of suffering that can hide an unforgiving thought; there is no form of pain that forgiveness cannot heal.  All we have to do is forgive.

Lesson 199

When we realize we are not bodies, the mind is set free.  We are not trapped within the body, we are spirit that uses mind.  Ego may tell us we are trapped in physical form to create fear but when our mind's are free to serve God and the Holy spirit, there can be no more attack thoughts or no more fear.

Love will flow in such a free mind.

Lesson 200

We will find happiness and peace nowhere but with God.  We just need to realize that this world is not where we belong and  what it offers will not bring us eternal peace.  We need to forgive ourselves for our illusions and delusions and Go home.

I think of Thich Nhat Hanh's Gatha for walking meditation as I review these lessons:
I have arrived; I am home
In the here; in  the now.
I am solid; I am free.
In the ultimate I dwell.
(peace is every breath, page 30)
The Review
In the review for the last 20 lessons, ACIM encourages us to begin our cognitive restructuring for the purposes of finding "home" and dwelling in the "Ultimate".  It asks that we use this statement when we find ourselves dwelling on thoughts that are directed by ego, dragging us back into fear, anger, despair and hopelessness.
This thought I do not want. I choose instead___________________
We can fill in that blank with: 

I am not a body.  I am free. For I am still as God created me.

All is well!

ACIM ( 2007)  A Course in Miracles Combined Volume.  Workbook. Foundation For Inner Peace.

Andersen, Uell S.. Three Magic Words . BN Publishing. Kindle Edition.

Thich Nhat Hanh (2011) peace is every breath. Harper One.

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