of early morning
that I find
what I am looking for.
A feeling of completeness
uncurls in my being,
pushing past the years
of fear and guilt
that have been imprinted
as "Necessary"
on my weary mind.
In the timeless space between
the thinking and the doing,
I find more precious emptiness,
a nothingness so perfect
in its fullness,
that I hold my breath
and wait for it to consume me.
It fills me with a wisdom
that cannot be spoken,
only known.
© Dale-Lyn 2010
This came to me, years ago, when things in my life were really starting to shift and I felt so unsettled. I seemed to be losing control of my health, my children, my ego and my family...My sister was also diagnosed with cancer at that time. This little poem, I think, marked the beginning of my awakening...or at least a big step toward deeper awakening.
I put it in a little book of poems I did up for my sister. It was half a symbolic gift of hope for her and a silly vanity project ( which I am very embarrassed about lol) to help restore my ego as it seemed to be, to my horror at the time, slowly dying.
I put it in a little book of poems I did up for my sister. It was half a symbolic gift of hope for her and a silly vanity project ( which I am very embarrassed about lol) to help restore my ego as it seemed to be, to my horror at the time, slowly dying.
Ego, is still here, clinging to a few dying breaths. And my beautiful sister, is alive and well ten years later. I am much more awake now. I can actually understand what this poem means now which I couldn't do then. Go figure.
Anyway, I literally just came across this ten minutes ago and had the urge to put it here. It is all good!
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