Sunday, December 8, 2024
Missing a Sister
Don't Exercise Compassion Stupidly
Compassion is a wonderful thing. It is a sign that you as a human being have already evolved beyond complete identification of form...Never the less, the application of compassion when it becomes action requires awareness...The question is [when partaking in a compassionate deed]: Is there wisdom with it...Or is this a compassionate action without wisdom? ...It requires wisdom. In what way can I help this person?...
Eckhart Tolle
There is someone in this present drama the personality is going through that I have felt great compassion for in the beginning...I could actually feel the pain when I was with this person: the genuine heart break, the sense of abandonment and rejection, the fear, the need to cling to what she identified as an extension of herself etc...I felt great compassion for her and I wanted to help. I agreed to take on the role of go between in communication and to assist with negotiation when asked because I truly felt I could maintain my sense of wisdom enough to help both sides. How delusional I was.
I expended so much time, effort, and the point of getting drained... only to realize that my compassionate action was not wise. It was Self depleting.
This person did not want my help to communicate and negotiate. She wanted to pull me over to her side so she could use me against the other. I was exhausting myself to no avail and as soon as she realized I was not taking her side (was not going to take any sides but the truth's) she turned on me quite dramatically
There are some people that continously come to you not because they want to get better ...but because they want to suck up your energy...they want your attention...and if you continue to give it you become depleted, you experience burn out and it [compassion] has no purpose...
I still have compassion for her in her pain. I do. I see she is acting out of this pain and others are using her expression of pain to build on this story they created. They are convincing her...not to heal...but to project all her pain onto the blame, and villianize...and to take revenge even when all this will likely backfire on her. This is not healing and what they are doing is far from compassionate. They are acting purely from ego denying the wisdom of their essence.
The essence of who you are always has to be in the back ground of whatever you do, whatever action you perform, whatever words yous speak
It has been a nasty and bumpy ride so far taking up so much of my mental and emotional space, while affecting me physically . That sense of incredulousness over the unwise choices and behaviors of "the others" is still there to some degree. All those dark thoughts and feelings ...the seeds of mental formations as Thich Nhat Hanh would refer to them...that I had tucked inside me had surprised me so much when they came up. I own those shadow selves and I did not like the fact that I was forced to take accountability for them and to make peace with them. :) That was probably the hardest part of this bumpy ride. Yet, after doing so I am surprised to realize that I still have compassion for all.
I ran into a key player in this drama at the bank the other day and very casually, without any emotional attachment, I said, "Oh look whose here too. Isn't that a coincident? " There was no sense of awkwardness, no anger or resentment, no anxiety or fear. It didn't bother me in the least to see her. She didn't bother me...and up to that point she bothered me a great deal.
Some compassion and empathy arose in me as I watched her ignoring us. I had a great sense that she was feeling vulnerable and somewhat threatened by this surprise encounter. I could almost feel her heart beating quickly in her chest as she went into fight or flight. I could sense that who she truly was, was in there somewhere whispering to her that she wasn't being wise. I had a genuine hope that someday she would hear that whisper...not for our sake...but for hers.
I didn't say anything. I didn't do anything. I just walked to where we were directed and sat down amazed by my lack of reactivity. (I guess I have been releasing much more of that old samskara than I realized during my practice....the years of stored stuff I was holding on to, related to her is being cleaned out). Wow! That just blew me away!
And even more significant...was that I was able to feel more than a droplet of compassion and empathy for her. I knew, as I looked at her or later thought of her, that who she was on the inside was this pure light. She just didn't know it yet.
Wisdom and essence are in control now. Thank God!
Sensing the essence in another is true empathy and compassion.
Eckhart Tolle
All is well.
Eckhart Tolle (November, 2024) How to Care Without Burning Out.
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Statistically Insignificant
The sum of that learned experience is statistically insignificant. It can't know anything!
Michael A. Singer
It is hard to fathom that what I and my family are going through right now is significantly insignificant. Yet, I know in the deeper part of me that it is.
Getting carried away again, pulled into this situation...that continues to get more and more absurd while the sense of incredulousness inside me builds up to the point inside that it becomes all consuming.
The mind shouts: "Do something! Fix this! Prove that what is being said is not true! Make the others regret what they are doing in the way you know you can!" And I listen.
I found myself using my skills to prove the others wrong...I spent hours and hours doing this...staying up sometimes until two in the morning. This mission became all consuming to the point I could not focus on anything else. To the point my practice was put on the back burner, my house is literally falling a part around me, I put aside the need to look after my health: told myself I will just wait until I get into see my GP in March (the only appt I could get) to start my osteoporosis meds instead of spending energy to assert my health care needs. I may not eat for more than eight hours at a time. I sit here scrundched over with a sense of urgency that is activating an old shoulder problem. I am neglecting the needs of others. I have not been in to see my sister in law in a couple of weeks. My other children need support but I am always so focused on this! I get all mixed up when I try to lead a yoga class, offering less than my usual self to my yoga students. I am not fully there for my grandkids. I have a hard time meditating without thinking, "Okay what can I do about that thing that they said or did..." I have not prepared my home for Christmas. Mind is telling me to put all my energy and focus into proving others wrong and I am listening. I am so busy listening and following the directions of this mixed up mind, that I am not living!
The situation is not crazy ( well...I can't say that is) but ...I can say the situation is not as crazy as the fact that I am listening to my mind.
If they are listening to their mind no one is right...their mind is telling them that they know the truth...and that mind knows squat
I am not going to beat up my mind nor am I going to beat up the others lol. I am going to pull back some. Yes, there is a sense of urgency that has to be honored in getting things done....but as my beautiful and wise children reminded me yesterday, "It will get done Mom...we are all going to work together to prove the taught us will get done."
Hmmm! All is well in my world.
Michael Singer/ Sounds True/ Temple of the Universe (December, 2024) The Mind Unveiled: From Addiction to Awareness.
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Don't Close!
The essence of yoga is: Don't close!
Michael A. Singer
I am realizing that I do not need to change the people who seem to be on the other side of some proverbial line drawn in the sand. It is not their responsibility that I feel the way I do: stressed, angry, hateful, resentful, resistant...closed. It is mine. It is therefore my responsibility if I am closed.
I look out at the circumstances that seem to be pounding down on "me" and I am realizing that they are not responsible for what I am experiencing inside. I am. I feel all this becasue I closed and
...Closing sucks!
Michael A. Singer
I am closed because I decided that what they and life are doing is bad, wrong,shouldn't be.
I am closed because I decided how Life should be for "me" and "my" comfort.
I don't have to change Life...I have to change "me" (or better still...get the discriminating "me" out of the way).
I don't have to change and control Life so I feel good inside. I have to change my personal grandiose delusion that I can and should control it.
Others will do what they are doing. It doesn't have to close me.
I am not willing to give up that Shakti flow, the Love inside this human I call me, because of what someone else or Life is doing.
There is nothing higher coming from outside that is more powerful than what is coming from inside.
I can continue to work my way from these lower level feelings back to love by taking ownership of my internal experience. I can continue with my desire to create and inspire in anyway I can. It is afterall not "my" love, or "my"creativity, or "my" inspiration. It is all simply coming through me...As long as I stay open, It can flow.
Love loves to express itself; creativity loves to create; and Inspiration loves to inspire.
Michael A. Singer
All is well.
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
If you dare declare that you are free, free you are this moment. If you say you are bound, bound you will be.
My experience of life seems so important. It pulls me and demands my attention. But really, how important are life circumsatnces really? Is focus on them worth my freedom?
I want to be free. That is what I want. Being free is being free of "me" and all its petty woes. It is standing back and away from this thing we created as it deals with all the drama...focusing on all those thoughts and feelings and all these things it is picking up with its senses that actually comes from nothing. Form comes from nothing. The quantum physicists are even proving that with the "God particle" which is actually not particle...but wavelets of energy.
Here we are focusing on this idea of "me" and it pulls us in and imprisons us. "Me" is our warden. We need to get beyond the warden's control to realize how free we actually are.
I consistently wake up in those early morning hours and I sit in it. I probably have less "me" at those times than I have all day. All these heavy problems and challenging people I am dealing with during the day...though still there in my not prevent me from getting to that space these sacred hours offer...where there is no thought, no confinement. I can find these tiny glimpses of that freedom. And it is beautiful.
Yoganada said that meditating was like entering the laboratory of soul research.
Michael A. Singer.
I am a scientist on a mission. The "me" can no longer be the specimen I am studying. The Soul (or consciousness) must be.
All is well
Michael A. Singer/ Sounds True/ Temple of the Universe ( December, 2024) The Art of Being Present.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Seeking Truth in the Early Morning
No one is more hated than the person who speaks the truth.
In that quiet stillness of early morning I wake up from a restless sleep. I look up at the ceiling and I take a deep breath feeling the belly rise on the in and fall out of me on the out. The thoughts are there...bumping around in my head like disobedient children having a field day in a substitute's classroom. They feel so heavy on my chest. I sit up, ignoring the pain that is now protesting and I settle myself in that cross legged position that says, "I am ready". I close my eyes to the darkness and the shadows that hover in it.
I take another breath.
She is still there, lingering in the corners of my mind, a dark and menancing figure somehow controlling my breath like she controls my thoughts. I breathe out. I scan my body for tension. I feel it in my hips and knees, a sharp feeling in my shins, My gut is heavy like I have eaten something that was not good for me...I have. I have eaten thoughts of her and what she has done and continues to do. It feels like poison inside me. I feel my shoulders too close to my ears. I encourage them to drop and relax. I release my opens somewhat reluctantly as if it were a pandora's box with rusty hinges afraid to expose what is inside. Sigh!
I breathe again.
I remind myself, "I am here to purify and cleanse whatever is blocking the Chit Shakti (Conscious energy). I can handle this."
The thoughts come through my mind in the form of memories and confused feelings...years of feeling less than and shameful around her tumble into my psyche....years of apologizing to her without knowing what I was apologizing for. I see her mother looking at me with disdain, growling at me for corrupting her daughter, not taking care of her, not being a better friend after all she did for me, for hurting her... all this when I could not even take care of myself. I was a villian in a story they created ...too broken to know I was never the villian and she was never the victim.
I see my loved one in the same position and she is now the mother looking down at him. My heart breaks in maternal pain. I want to protect him from her. I feel it is somehow my fault that he is her target now. I think of what she has done to him with her judgments, accusations, lies, and slander. How small he gets around quiet...apologizing to her with his eyes without even knowing what he is apologizing for.
And I remember. I remember what that felt like. I cry for him. The emotion comes up and gets stuck in my chest. "There!...There it is", I tell myself..."That is the knot I must unravel." There is a sensation of seering fire ( hate I assume) but it quickly passes as the innate tendency I have to explore truth makes itself known.
"What is all this about?" I question. "What am I to learn from this? It can't stop at anger and hate can it? There must be something deeper. I want to see all this clearly."
The thoughts begin to fade...just a bit...the tears come to my eyes and there is just pure feeling. There are not many tears...not yet...but there is enough to know the process of release is beginning. The feeling in my chest is not as heavy. I am letting go of something I have been clinging to for much too long. I will regain my clarity. I will use truth as a compass through all this and I will not stop at hate.
All is well.
Monday, December 2, 2024
Willing to Be Nothing
You have to be willing to be nothing to be something
Michael Singer
I have been away from my writing and my practice because of the situation we are dealing with that involves the toxic personality that I spoke about last entry, and other issues as well. The world just seems to be very, very distracting right now and I find myself pulled into it. When I do get on the cushion to meditate, the world doesn't go away. :) The mind keeps going over everything. It is relentless. Those distractions are still there between "me"...this body and mind with all its stored impressions, the personality...and that which I truly am. These distractions have such a pull taking me from the peaceful Seat of 'I am that I am'...into the never ceasing drama of ego. Sigh!
I have gained enough insight to know these "dramas" are just distracting clutter messing up my view of the omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent space or field of essence that I am. Yet, is so easy to get pulled in to the point that my children are worried about me not taking enough time and space for myself. They are worried most about my physical health, and then my emotional or mental. I haven't been thinking about "me" too much. My body and mind are just tools I am using to deal with what is going serve and support others...while I cough up a big furball of a samskara that has been in me too long. I see myself as just "dealing" using the skills I do have to best serve others in this drama...these dramas. I haven't, however, made enough conscious attempts to get back into the space. I havent walked in the woods in a few weeks or meditated mid day with a yoga nidra or something like I planned to do. I haven't pulled back away from the drama enough over the last little while to experience the essence of who I am. I have been neglecting to some degree my spiritual needs. That shows, I suppose.
And this body is still doing what it is doing. The pain is there pretty much all the time now. The heart protests every now and again. I can't stand for long periods or "pace" like I so want to do as I seek physical world solutions because of the pain in my lower legs...but... I can sit and research and think. I know what needs to be done and I can guide and direct others, should they chose to allow me, to a productive way of approaching this. I really appreciate this mind I have now and the research and truth seeking skills I have been developing over the course of my life. They are coming in handy.
"Me" is so much less reactive now as I ponder this situation. I am clearer too. I can clearly see the diminishment of this personality I call "me" in all unimportant and even in the way it can get. Serve the moment. Serve others in this moment...seems to be a mission statement pulling me forward. Though I know the importance of caring for this body and mind...the factt that there seem or seemed to be so many barriers to accessing care over the last little bit is no longer 'bothering' me. I may be having a hard time getting a prescription for the osteoporosis meds ...can't get into my physician until March 17 and that message got a little misconstrued in my last evisit...I did get an order for bloodwaork which I got done on Friday. There...that is a step forward and I think I will make an appointment with physio about the lower legs...they may be able to help me determine if these are tibial stress fractures or not so we can go from there. Everything else will work out the way it works out. I am okay with that.
All this drama that is unfolding in front of me can either bring me down into it or it can help me dismantle the "me" once and for all. I want to dismantle this thing lol. I am uncomfortable in this mess...and that is a good thing. That discomfort can motivate me to clean up in get rid of taht which is in the way: "me" once again become nothing before I become the Something I always was.
You can use your challenges too...all those distractions that constantly take your attention... for the dismantling of the useless personality or, you can get back to Who you are.
All is well
Michael A. Singer ( Novemeber, 2024) From Distraction to Liberation.
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Dealing with the Toxic Personality and the Jiva
Behind the subtle body, lives Jiva or the individual soul of man... The Jiva is a part of that universal substance, and it is eternal; without beginning it is existing, and without end it will exist. It is passing through all these forms in order to manifest its real nature which is purity. Every action that retards this manifestation is called an evil action; so with thoughts. And every action and every thought that helps the Jiva to expand, to manifest its real nature, is good.
I am contemplating something I have been both interested in understanding for years (studied it in great depth, taught about it, wrote about it etc.) and am now facing head on again in real life ...and that is the toxic personality.
You have probably encountered such a personality at work, in a group or in a relationship. You may have felt the full effect of a very insidious poisoning from an ego whose agenda seems to be counter productive to that of the soul's... even if you did not know where it was coming from. In the beginning, we often do not know where it is coming from. The actions directed by such a personality, though very under the table at first, involve bold faced lying, slandering through others by being the one in the background with the smile on their face but that look of total apathy in their eyes, gaslighting, and the creation of damaging story, dirty, dirty stuff that seeps in and convinces others that what the person is telling them they are seeing is real. Then when the poison has had time to do its thing, they step into the limelight to 'save and rescue' when they were the ones that did the damage in the first place. They bully and harass, usually by standing behind and directing others, until their victims are on their knees (leaving work on stress leave, broken and self doubting, or doing something in self defense that this person uses against them etc.). All along, they profess to be the victim or the protector of the victim...and everyone else the villain. They can do so, so much damage.
I am dealing with such a personality now...someone I have known for such a long time. And though my soul was warning me with all these uncomfortable feelings I had when I was around her from the very beginning of our relationship...I was not wise enough to see the full extent of her toxic personality until recently. She is on a mission to destroy my family by standing in the background using, manipulating, and directing the beings closest to her to inflict the pain for her. It is so, so clear to me now what we are dealing with.
How do you stop these personalities from hurting others? How do you make them see what they are doing so they stop?
We usually begin, once we realize we are dealing with a person doing what seems like unfair damage and destruction, to attempt to reason with the person...make them see the errors of their ways so they change and stop doing what they are doing. Any reasonable person, we assume, who had a conscience would stop once they realized how much pain they were inflicting unnecessarily on another. Wouldn't they? That is the unspoken human law most of us have innately ingrained in us. So, we try to reason on the basis of this law.
This is where the frustration comes in. You cannot reason with a toxic personality. They cannot (or refuse to) see beyond their own agenda. They refuse to acknowledge their own responsibility in the pain they are inflicting. (Sadly, many are enjoying the power they experience when they witness the power they have to inflict pain). This causes great, great frustration for the individuals targeted by or witnessing these personalities in action. We will learn, after much agonizing attempts, that we are wasting our energy. They are not to be reasoned with because they believe they are beyond reason, beyond ethics, beyond the law. It is delusion they possess...I can see that...a certain state of grandiosity. They truly believe that their power to manipulate and control others is a "super-power" that is self sustaining...and that no one out there is smart enough to get past this power. They truly lack the insight or the willingness to explore the insight that they may be wrong and doing damage to others and to Self. They are actually doing damage to that which they truly are (the Jiva; the soul; the higher self). So, rejoicing in the power and control surges they are getting, they can become so very cruel and a work place, in a relationship, in a social group.
They do great damage to their targets...looking for their weak points and sneaking up (usually behind someone else who will take the blame) and stabbing in the back. Then they walk away from a place when the damage is done with an innocent looking smile on their face, a big, "It wasn't me..." and a sense that their power has been enhanced. They truly see themselves as infallible. Hmm! These personalities are hard to deal with let alone reason with,
The real "victims" (I hate that word, but we will use it for now) once targeted and exposed are swept into the whirlwind of the toxic personality and man is it messy. The worse thing these personalities do is get into the head of the victim. It is almost impossible for the mind to escape the incredulousness of what the personality is doing with so little remorse. "There can't be people out there that evil!!!" the mind chirps over and over again. Even when you have not had to deal with that person for days that thought is still there pounding, pounding, pounding in your head. The reality of these unconscious psyches goes against that innate moral law that is such a part of who we are. That incredulousness is what opens the mental door and before long we are letting them in.
It is so funny how we are more apt to let thoughts about these type of people into our heads than thoughts of harmless and kind or even loving people. The mind is attracted to the toxic personality because it is an anomaly to the a "freak" in a circus show. The soul is like, "Wow! Look at that!" So we put all our attention on it and we let it in. Once we let that toxicity does it fester. Though these people can do great damage in the external lives of their victims, they do much, much more damage to the mental life . That is their super-power.
And they don't just get into your mind...they get in your heart and contract it all up. We too often give them the power to close us. I am not sure why people like her do what they do but when you realize you are in the presence of such a personality (and it can take a long time before you see it clearly...they are usually very, very cunning and manipulative) it is so hard not to judge and hate the person. How does one not have contempt for someone who does so much damage to other beings under the guise of being morally superior to everyone else...with absolutely no remorse? This is also an anomaly to the heart that, in its purest form, is all about love and openness. The strongest ingredient in the poison they spew is the hate for them that we feed or resist...either way we damage the heart if we let that poison in.
So, what do we do crazy lady, like it or not, these personalities are everywhere?
Yeah...they are. And they are here for a reason. What a wonderful, wonderful soul lesson they offer. I have been blessed with this direct realization on this part of my journey. My family and I have become a target of one such personality at this time for reasons I may never completely understand. Perfect, perfect synchronicity. My soul is telling me maybe, so I can tell others, how to deal with such egos.
I had a visualization during a meditation recently...and it has been hard to meditate lately let me tell ya...the pain this person is attempting to inflict and is inflicting amongst her own family and my own to get what she wants is a thought that keeps filling my mind. I am so full of hate and contempt that I go between feeding this hate and stuffing it down (both unhealthy defense mechanisms...hate is just an emotion that should be looked at with compassion and then released, not fueled and not suppressed). It is hard to get beyond this hate. Anyway, this visualization somehow came to me through all this obsessive thinking...
I saw my mind and heart as a house and this person coming to the door with all that toxic stuff crawling all over her...I knew I couldn't shut her out. By shutting her out I am shutting parts of myself out...because we all have those seeds the toxic personality has within our own personas, right? What we see in another is what we have within. At the same time, I knew I didn't want her personality's dirty shoes contaminating my sacred space. Then it dawned on me, "Personality!!!" The key word I could see in this mess crawling over her was "personality". It was just a dirty suit she was wearing. It wasn't her. Suddenly the door became so small with these cleansing brushes and scrapers all around its interior. On impulse, I stuck my hand out to hers and pulled her in. As she was coming through the doorway all her personality got scraped off in one swoop. Then she was inside my heart and my mind...a tiny little light that needed some growth for sure but a light pure and beautiful. That light is who she is...even when she doesn't know it. I knew I had then, a responsibility to that light all the Jiva of all.
The toxic personality's Jiva, I realized, is also a tiny light here to grow and expand. They possibly haven't been focusing on that light or feeding it, so it might be a little undernourished. They may not be evolved enough to get beyond their egos at this point and we may not have the human ability to stop them or change them...but we can remember who they are at the deepest level. And, most importantly, we can remember who we are at the deepest level. We are souls here to grow and evolve and that means staying open. We don't have to fill our minds with their poison, nor do we have to close our hearts with hate and resistance. We can allow their Jiva in without dragging in the damaging personality.
So, as I face this personality in another I am psychologically and spiritually fascinated, and at the same time humanly repulsed. I know I cannot allow their personality and its karmic actions to do what it pleases to my family if its in my power to stop it (limited) nor can I allow thoughts of them to contaminate my sacred space.....but I also cannot close to them without closing to parts of Self.
Just a Personality
The number one thing we need to do when we are dealing with such personalities is to remember that what we are reacting to is a "personality" and not what the person truly is. The damage they do is just to the personality...They cannot harm the soul!! Recognize what the personality in that form is doing, do what you must to protect yourself and others from it, but remember it is not yours to change or fix...Karma will take care of that.
Our thoughts, our words and deeds are the threads of the net which we throw round ourselves, for good or for evil. Once we set in motion a certain power, we have to take full consequences of it. This is the law of Karma.
Then remember: You are the only one in there.(Michael Singer). The purity of your mind and heart is up to you. It is within your power what you let into that mind-heart space and how. Your mission is to allow full expansion of Jiva ...yours and the world's. To expand Jiva, you must make It, and not the personality, the focus. The personality is nothing but a mental construct. The Jiva is everything! Don't contaminate it by putting mental clutter on top of it. And don't blame others, even this toxic personality, for the mess inside you. It is yours.
WTF(frontdoor)? You don't know what she is doing to 'me'?
What is inside you is only there because you let it in. You retard or expand the real, good, and pure nature of Jiva within you. No one else can. If thoughts of that person come bolting into your space...and they I said it such a curious anomaly for the soul that it pulls the mind's attention to it -recognize them, allow them, and take responsibility for that contamination of your Jiva. At the same time give yourself a break. Don't do what I have been doing over the last little bit by beating myself up for feeling hate and resentment towards this person. I chastised myself for forgoing all I have been learning in my practice about compassion and kindness. Have compassion for those emotions within you. Accept how 'human' it is to react to what a personality is doing with your personality. Then remember that you are not a personality. It is just something you wear. The real you sits beyond the personality...that's where you want to focus your attention.
Commit once again to the practice of purification. (Repression and suppression do not purify...they just add more to the samskara clutter...the only real way out of an emotional experience is to go through it.) Stay open. When thoughts of or the physical presence of that person enters your space, allow your deeper Self to sweep away the personality they wear for the light inside. Focus on the light as you do what you must do in each moment related to the actions of this person. You have that power to see what is within them and what they are resisting even if they don't, when you recognize it in yourself and choose to make it your focus of attention. Jiva over personality.
If you are experiencing what I am at this time of my life, you have been blessed with a wonderful learning challenge. It doesn't feel wonderful, I know. I have been a human wreck for days now, but I keep reminding myself: We are here to evolve and to expand that light of Jiva. Every soul is at a different stage.
Don't let your own light be dimmed by reactivity to the words and actions of the toxic personality. It may help to visualize the scraping away of personality when you deal with such challenging people. Keep your heart and mind open to the light that exists beneath every personality... so you can help each small light to grow. In so doing, your own precious Jiva light will expand. That's what we are here for people, all of us.
All is well.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Can't Be Reasoned With?
What do I do about this person who can't be reasoned with?
First stage of spiritual development is being completely lost in the ego, focusing on "me" and what "me" wants and needs.
Ego is just a thought pattern...this construct of who you think you are.
I have probably spent about 80 % of this life over the last five days in my head...caught on this same repeating thought stream related to dealing with very challenging people who cannot be reasoned with when it comes to what is fair, just, and in the best interest of some very special beings. I am fully aware that I am "judging" that behaviour and the way it impacts others in this thought stream. I am aware how little I am living and experiencing when I am lost in this thought stream. I am aware of how it brings me down to this very tiny pinpoint focus that is so accumulation of past experiences related to one of these people, the realization of the impact this had on those very crucial post trauma years of my life is also arising (second wounding), realizing the "personality" I am witnessing and that my loved one is trying to reason is with a personality that can not see reason or see beyond its self no matter how one tries. It is a personality that lies, controls, manipulates, gas lights, slanders, creates story, never apologizes, is always right, diminishes others so it can 'appear' superior, lacks compassion, empathy, or even kindness though proposes to be superiorly kind, compassionate, and empathetic. It does all this truly believing it has a right to...or not caring if it has a right to. Absolutely no insight or concern into how their actions are impacting the lives of others. Do you know anyone like that? Have you ever tried to reason with someone like that? Have you ever been in a relationship with someone like that? Have you ever witnessed someone you love in a battle with someone like that? And I will stress this is not the person in this scenario that has any legal rights...just control.
Personalities are challenging to deal with on a good doe sone deal with persoanlities like this in a critical situation?
The first step is realizing that the only one we have control over...the only ego...the only personal mind is our own. If you are like me spending this much time in your head thinking about this with your own mind. Free that first.
I will get back to you with more on this.
All is well
Monday, November 25, 2024
A Prayer for my Son
Considering that, all hatred driven hence,
The soul recovers radical innocence
And learns at last that it is self-delighting,
Self-appeasing, self-affrighting,
And that its own sweet will is Heaven's will.
She can, though every face should scowl
and every windy quarter howl
or every bellows burst, be happy still.
William Butler Yeats...A Prayer for my Daughter
This is a beautiful piece of poetry. Yeats is looking down at his daughter as a storm brews around him and he is thinking about what he wants for her as she grows up...not beauty or popularity or the good opinion of others but equanimity in the face of adversity.
That is what I want for my children. My brave son is wanting the same for his daughter (and son but in this scenario it is just the daughter). So putting her needs first, he is taking a step toward the angry hornet's nest to ensure her best interest. He is gently placing her down onto some semblance of reality. He knows full well the hornets may soon encircle her so he cannot get near. He is taking the risk of losing her to keep some normalcy in his children's lives.
All the injustice that was directed toward him when it came to this custody case...all the lies and accusations...all the denying him his rights...and he is still loving and putting his childrens' needs first. I see despite the scowling faces and the windy howls he is so happy when he is with his kids.
I love my son and I love the way he loves his children.
All is well.
Friday, November 22, 2024
Caught in a Whirlwind
The truth is, everything will be okay as soon as you are okay with everything.
Michael Singer
I am having a hard time being okay with anything.
Sigh! I have been watching myself in here over the last couple of days. It was a challenging experience just to watch. I don't like what I see. I have been reacting and the absorbed, stuffed and stored stuff has been bumping around inside me again. I have been feeling so, so pulled into outside drama as if it was the biggest magnet in the world. Worldly things are swirling around this human I call me, complicated by the emotional dysregulation of others-real pain expressed outwardly in a whirlwind way ....and I am pulled into it like a cyclone would pull a traveller in. As I swirl around inside it, I look around and I see so much drama, unnecessary drama; I see and feel pain, legitimate pain from these others, then the need for control and power from others that fuels this drama and this emotional dysegulation; so much created story, and accusations, unhealthy conflict and confrontation; ferociously clung to convictions and a sense of righteousness that leads people (including me, the only one that I can control) to do things they wouldn't normally do...I see the "goodness" of people slipping away in support of these convictions....and while I swirl and whirl around in this cyclone...I hear the voices of others outside of it calling out to me, "Help me!" I hear the creaking and cracking of the bones in this body (imagined , of course lol), the thump of palpitations, and the sound of a heart getting tired. I feel the chest pain, the left lower quadrant pain that will bend me over and this overwhelming fatigue. More than anything, I see the disturbance inside me, my own reactions, the closing of a heart I had done my best to keep open...I see my committment to stay calm, fair, kind, just, and empathetic slipping out of me into the whirlwind. I am fighting back! I am fueling the whirlwind in me.
Fighting back means that I have closed. I closed to the drama that is trying to sweep me away. And I am not looking at these people with kindness...I mean it is still there but I push it down so that I can help assert and support the legal rights of another. Those rights are real and deserve to be honored but I don't want to close. I always knew what these rights were but I had encouraged this person to choose kindness over allow for some healing and adjustment recognize and be acountable for any pain they caused and then to respect that pain experience in the other. I encouraged this person to deny their legal rights to allow for some healing...Doing that unfortunately was creating a situation that was not good for anyone, especially those most important in this matter. Then when it got to the point that the story and conviction in the mind of others became dangerous and unsafe for all, I agreed..."It is time to assert your rights!" and I supported that.
I am fighting back! Against the cyclone of drama instead of just flowing with it in the peaceful way I so wanted to. I am getting angry and resentful...becoming lost in my own convictions and righteousness...just like the others are. I know what this new assertion is doing to it is feeding this emotional dysregulation of another (again I stress their pain is very is palpable), to past relationships, what it has done to the opinion others had of me and how my reputation will be contaminated now (slander and character defamation)...and most importantly how it just gets that whirlwind of drama to swirl faster and faster. I ask as I look up in this swirling vortex, "Am I strong enough to handle this now...especially when it doesn't feel right any more to put aside my compassion for my own conviction that legal rights matter?"
In my mediation today, that whirlwind was reduced to a small but mighty tornado in the center of this body. I didn't want to resist that, so I said over and over, "I can handle this! I can handle this! "
I want to let it all go...I pray for the ability to do I can return to and maintain a sense of peace, calm, kindnes, and love.
All is well!
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Discomfort and Negativity: A Part of the Process?
Discomfort is always a necessary part of the process of enlightenment.
Pearl Cleage
I am not sure why I have been feeling down and expecting negative things to happen. I seem to be on the downward spiral again.
Some would say, "It is just because of everything you had to deal with in the last little while. You haven't been able to think of self , let alone look after self. You are burnt out, and on top of that you now have a body that is requiring more of your energy to sustain itself. Physical pain, though it feels very doable, takes its toll. Every step is getting a bit painful now too, isn't it? Now that you know what the likely cause of that upper shin pain is, it is harder to pretend it isn't there. You can see in your mind what is happening with every step. No wonder why you are down."
Hmmm...that is partly true I am sure. I cannot help but think it is more than that though...I want to think it is a samskara thing. That stuff is moving up and out of me...and though it sucks now, it is going to feel good soon. It is all for a good purpose. I want to think this down stuff is just a natural part of the purification process.
But long is it going to last?
I hate thinking negatively. I can't help but think negative thinking puts negative stuff out there, leading to negative experiences. Yet this negative, "expect the worse" thing is part of the feeling down process isn't it? I can reconstruct my thoughts, I know that...but the thing is ...though I am thinking this way and therefore expecting less than favorable things to keep happening, I am not resisting those negative things. I am not sitting in fear anticipating their happening...I am just like "Wow...another negative thing...been expecting that." And though I may grumble a bit...I deal. I can handle it. I don't like it...but I can handle it.
It is a very weird type of mindset. So, as I watch myself in this tired body and mind...I don't resist that expereince either. I just notice and find myself saying, "Interesting."
Crazy, I know.
All is well.
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
On this side of the Infinite
...The "I" is a continously changing, expanding entity...Perfect individuality will only be reached when it has reached the Infinite, but on this side of the Infinite it is a continously changing growing personality.
Vivekananda, 2.6 Practical Vedanta and other Lectures, Complete Works
I was so excited to get this shot of a young humpback a few years back. I nearly fell out of the Zodiac in the process. I get a little crazy when I have a camera to my eye. :) It is all about the shot.
All is well!
Monday, November 18, 2024
Trap or Liberator?
Love can be the greatest trap or the greatest liberator!
If you love out of need, love is a trap. If you love out of a natural expression of who you is freedom.
How do you love?
The more stuff you have stuffed inside you, the more you will seek and cling to the idea of love out of need. The more free you are of samskaras, the more Love will flow freely through you.
How pure are you?
The more you look out there for people and things to be the way you want them to be so they do not disrupt your insides, the more tricky love gets. The more you see that it is all an inner game you are playing based on how many blockages you are hanging on to, the more likely Love will find its way through you.
How do you look at Love?
Getting rid of inner blockages/samskaras so shakti can the only "real" way to experience love.
Do you get that?
You are Love! You just don't see it because of all the conditioned ways of stuffing and storing you have adopted over the years. Realize that doesn't work, stop storing more, seek to cleanse, and you will realize you are Love.
Hmm! Something to think about.
All is well.