Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Can't Be Reasoned With?


What do I do about this person who can't be reasoned with?

First stage of spiritual development is being completely lost in the ego, focusing on "me" and what "me" wants and needs.

Ego is just a thought pattern...this construct of who you think you are.

I have probably spent about 80 % of this life over the last five days in my head...caught on this same repeating thought stream related to dealing with very challenging people who cannot be reasoned with when it comes to what is fair, just, and in the best interest of some very special beings. I am fully aware that I am "judging" that behaviour and the way it impacts others in this thought stream.  I am aware how little I am living and experiencing when I am lost in this thought stream. I am aware of how it brings me down to this very tiny pinpoint focus that is so dark...an accumulation of past experiences related to one of these people, the realization of the impact this had on those very crucial post trauma years of my life is also arising (second wounding), realizing the "personality" I am witnessing and that my loved one is trying to reason is with a personality that can not see reason or see beyond its self no matter how one tries. It is a personality that lies, controls, manipulates, gas lights, slanders, creates story, never apologizes, is always right, diminishes others so it can 'appear' superior, lacks compassion, empathy, or even kindness though proposes to be superiorly kind, compassionate, and empathetic. It does all this truly believing it has a right to...or not caring if it has a right to. Absolutely no insight or concern into how their actions are impacting the lives of others. Do you know anyone like that?  Have you ever tried to reason with someone like that? Have you ever been in a relationship with someone like that? Have you ever witnessed someone you love in a battle with someone like that?  And I will stress this is not the person in this scenario that has any legal rights...just control.  

Personalities are challenging to deal with on a good day...how doe sone deal with persoanlities like this in a critical situation?

The first step is realizing that the only one we have control over...the only ego...the only personal mind is our own.  If you are like me spending this much time in your head thinking about this person...deal with your own mind.  Free that first.

I will get back to you with more on this.

All is well

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