Sunday, November 17, 2024

I Keep Going

 And yet I keep going...

I thought of those words today as I looked at the low numbers on my stats page. I also look at a hard copy of the book I wrote this summer...the one designed to help make learning English as an additional language easier for newcomers to this country.  I had to pay the full price for an imperfect copy because my request for proof and author copies are being sent to some cart, God knows where. It has been one little (very frustrating) technical issue after another on this self publishing journey...(frustrating enough for me to forget my practice and give into a reactivity that you wouldn't want any child under 14 being in ear shot of . lol) 

My deepest motivation is pure.  It really is. My deepest motivation is to serve what is "real". I mean I do not come here or to any other page with an intent to gain ego things like money, or notoriety or fame.  I come here to write, to learn and to teach. To me, those three things just naturally go together and are a part of my natural and innate expression of service to this world. (The I am is included in that world.) 

That doesn't mean, however, that ego is not still lurking around hoping to gain something from this.  I guess, the biggest motivation my ego might have is to redeem itself from this sense of failure and inadequacy it experiences when "it" sees "me" as a failure for not making enough money, for not achieving enough in societal terms, for 'wasting' all those years of education to do what? And then it criticizes "me" because I dare to call myself a writer when I have so little publication or external validation for my writing. 

The ego and this human I call "me" is also looking for a little blessing in a host of challenges and frustrations. I am hoping the I am within me will prove itself and become louder than the ego. That it will drown out its nasty voice. The ego too often tells me in an "I told ya so" voice that the universe does not have my back.  That it is challenging me and punishing me by putting one obstacle after another in front of me. It isn't going to make Life easy. 

And I am okay with that.  I am. I don't mind challenges and difficulty, especially if I see even a glimpse of the learning and growth potential in it...but that is to a point. I still need a little blessing...a little show of "you are on the right path, keep going!" My writing "feels" like the right path in the deepest core of my being. It does.  This right here feels like the right comes so naturally from me.  Yet, the external world is not reflecting it at all. If this is a service to the world, should I not see that I am serving? My ego tells me the world is supposed to reflect what I am doing right. If it doesn't reflect it, I am on the wrong path.  Sigh.  

The universe is not only not reflecting seems to be making it impossible or extra difficult with all these technical issues etc. That is where the confusion and the 'disappointment' comes in....the asking, "Is the universe punishing me?"

That seems so silly I know but every time something goes "wrong"...and for me that usually means in an extraordinary sense of wrong or difficult...I feel like the universe has jumped in front of me with a big stop sign or roadblock that I must figure my way around. It happens in my writing here and in the book I just wrote...I mean the writing here and in that  book is/was almost easy...It certainly requires  time and effort but it was and is fun, and it flows from me.  It isn't until I open myself up for readership here and it wasn't until I tried to publish that book and others that I ran into soooo many little issues. My blog is not getting out there other than to a few devoted readers (I am grateful to you, I am!) and to bots that are doing God knows what to my website. I can't just get on now like I used to and where there used to be so many google entry points, I can't find my blog anywhere on Google anymore.  It is like it disappeared. 

In the producing of the book, there were so many challenges that seemed to be too may to be 'normal' as well. Again, I felt the universe in front of me saying, "Nope...we are not only going to make it difficult, maybe we will make some malicious thing come up to interfere with what you are doing too."  It is just crazy...and that crazy...I suppose... is in my head.  

Lately, for some reason...things just seem harder.  It is harder for me to appease ego and find a little peace in my Life.  Hmm! I am so committed to accepting and serving reality. I am.  Is it testing that commitment? 

I see what is happening to this vessel I am in, and I have to question, "Are you purposefully making it difficult for me to serve?"  This body seems to be falling a part. The voice of a surgeon I was referred to once has been ringing in my ears lately, "You will likely need your valve replaced in your sixties." I am in my sixties. Do I wait for something really bad to heart failure before we go that route. Man, I was told in 2008 that I need to have a stress echo done every year...I have two since then.  That is on me.  I won't ask for them.   

If the heart thing isn't enough...I have a new diagnosis of osteoporosis which is no big deal maybe but when you are as active as I want to is. I am only 61! I wanted to teach my grandkids to skate this winter.  I love to skate!!! I even have skates for them.  But as soon as I put that "intention" out there...the universe comes back with an "I don't think so crazy lady...not you".  On top of that, I am quite sure the pain I've been having in my upper shins for over a year now (before I even heard anything about the possibility of having osteoporosis) ..are tibial stress fractures. That is getting worse. What do I do about that? I am having a hard time getting an appointment with my GP which is the norm of many busy practices in my area. I haven't been able to make contact with him since the test in early September. I had to go online to get a confirmed diagnosis (which I now have) and treatment started.  

I am also becoming more and more incapacitated by this left lower quadrant pain and this sense that something has to be done soon...but all I get is "just a cyst" diagnosis and a "we will check it in another year" before the appointment deflects to another issue (an issue btw that was never my concern but that seems to become the central point of the visits??)  I wake up with pain every single morning and I get severe shocks of pain throughout the day that bend me over. That is why I visit. The diagnosis was made after tests I had done because of my complaints of pain in 2017! That was seven years ago. Do I suffer another seven years?  Well not suffer...that is pretty strong and mentally I can cope with the pain...but how long can I cope with the pain before I can't?  

In April or May I got, literally, a 45 second diagnosis and explanation from a surgeon (while he is standing with a hand on the doorknob) that I have diverticular disease. That's it. The symptoms this body is experiencing with that, and which lead to that test in the first place, are also painful, life altering, and very, very embarassing...yet ego tells me that nothing will be done about that. They too have been going on for seven years and are getting progressively worse. I am afraid to leave the house. big deal, right? I have been on medication for the same since 2012? I try to get off it and I can' just gets too bad.  I even had holes burnt into my throat from it that caused me to lose my voice for a while. It was an ENT I was referred to because of the voice issues that discovered the throat burns and first prescribed the proton pump inhibitor that I cannot seem to get off. I bring that up because the medication I need to be on for osteoporosis requires a healthy esophagus.  Go figure. 

My eye problem.  Thank God, I received a call from out of the blue for an appointment with my ophthalmologist....this upcoming week.  I can talk to her about the issues then.  That was a blessing, a show of support from the universe.

Otherwise...I feel this body is being really tested at a time where the barrier to accessing health care is not just a "shame" issue but a physical one. Luckily, I have a brain that understands medicine and knows what the body needs. That is a blessing. I also know how to get some of it. There are many resources out there that can make alternate access to health care possible. I am grateful for those.  I am also grateful for Nurse Practitioners. I am still very grateful for my GP and all that have helped me over the years. I truly am. I am just saying that access to health care and care itself has changed because the system has. Sigh!  And this change is happening at a time this body seems to be falling apart.  Go figure!

What is the point of this bloody long "me-me" ramble, crazy lady?

Sometimes doing what feels right at the deepest level will not be easy.  Sometimes being in the bodies we are in will not be easy. I find myself questioning the "why" of these uneasy times. Why are barriers being put up in front of us as we journey along? Why when we are so committed to our practices and serving in a way we feel is important...does it get harder when we assume it is supposed to be easier? Why when we finally detach from the body focus, doe sthe body act up so severely? 

Are my body challenges all coming down on me now to get me to focus more on the body?  I have been neglecting it and I have been neglecting my human needs lately. So lost in the being part of my human being experience, I forgot to care for the human, the body.   I was so busy thinking of others that I forgot to say, "Hey, I matter too!" It is getting to the point I cannot ignore the body's complaints. It is almost like I am getting a reminder from the Universe, "Hey, you are still in this vessel you have been neglecting...take care of it or it won't be able to take care of you as you serve (the I am within)". 

I am also getting a reminder, maybe, that just because others seem to discount what this body is going through, I don't need to.  Just because others do not seem to see or appreciate what this body needs...doesn't mean I am not supposed to see and appreciate those things.  

So often we look to the external to validate our worth.  This happened on my lifelong health seeking journey.  I had legitimate body concerns for many, many years. I spent years waiting for people to tell me what I already knew about my body's needs.  When I presented and told these body mechanics what my body was saying, in one way or other, I got the impression they discounted those cries for help because they were not important enough. (That was just the way I heard it, not necessarily the way it was). Well, if they didn't think my body's concerns, and therefore my body, was important enough, why should I?  It was as if I was waiting for them to tell me that my body deserved to be cared for before I could care for it. I dismissed my own body messages, its cries for help over the years because its suffering was not being echoed back to me through the validation and diagnosis I thought I needed from others.  Now look at it. This form now epitomizes the long term effect of body neglect. That is a valuable lesson for all of us. You can learn from this before your body gets to this point. 

We need to love our bodies. We need to give them what they need to stay healthy. We need to listen and honor and reply to their cries for help. We need to stop depending on others to validate its worth, our worth! Man, that was a lesson a long time in the making.

This goes as well with our gifts.  What we offer the world in terms of our creative expression and gifts, those that come from the deeper motivation within us to serve reality...may not be appreciated by others. We do not need others to validate their value. I looked at my book yesterday...and though there are definitely some things that need to be changed...I can see how worthy it is. I can see where those hours, that effort, that inspiration and motivation has taken this project.  I am proud of it!!! It came from the purest part of me. Sigh

I read what I put together here and no matter if others look at it as a bunch of new age...woo-woo nonsense...I can see the value in it. It also comes from the purest part of me.

I choose to see the value of this body and creative mind, what they can give to the world. I do not need others to mirror it back to me.

...And that, my dear friends, is why I keep going

All is well. 

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