Through the hands of such as these God speaks, and from behind their eyes He smiles upon the earth.
Kahil Gibran
I am that I am is what reality says to you.
Michael Singer
Singer and Gibran in the above quotes tell us that reality is God. Do we honor God through our lives? No.
Most of us literally let the things that bother us the most to guide our lives. How? We resist the moment when it doesn't go our way. What a struggle we have then with reality, with Life. Constantly struggling against, constantly striving for something other than, constantly clinging to whatever numbs us from what is going on in our moments here and now, and constantly pushing away what is.
This doesn't work at making us happy. It does the opposite.
Since it is so absurd to ruin your life with resistance, why can't you practice acceptance?
We need to recognize our resistance and the effect of it. Then we need to practice accepting and allowing instead. We need to recognize God in each moment reality provides and honor that. Reality is a divine gift. How can we keep turning our backs on it? We need to turn around, see reality and kneel down before it. Acceptance is a practice....probably the most important part of any sadhanna.
Once we realize it isn't "all about me"....we can put the energy we spend perserving this ego with our resistance ...into the question, "How can I serve this moment and all that is happening right now in it?"
Hmm! All is well in my world!
Michael A. Singer/ Sounds True/ Temple of the Universe (November, 2024) From Resistance to Service.
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