Saturday, December 7, 2024

Statistically Insignificant

 The sum of that learned experience is statistically insignificant.  It can't know anything!

Michael A. Singer

It is hard to fathom that what I and my family are going through right now is significantly insignificant. Yet, I know in the deeper part of me that it is. 

Getting carried away again, pulled into this situation...that continues to get more and more absurd while the sense of incredulousness inside me builds up to the point inside that it becomes all consuming.  

The mind shouts: "Do something! Fix this! Prove that what is being said is not true! Make the others regret what they are doing in the way you know you can!" And I listen.

I found myself using my skills to prove the others wrong...I spent hours and hours doing this...staying up sometimes until two in the morning.  This mission became all consuming to the point I could not focus on anything else.  To the point my practice was put on the back burner, my house is literally falling a part around me, I put aside the need to look after my health: told myself I will just wait until I get into see my GP in March (the only appt I could get) to start my osteoporosis meds instead of spending energy to assert my health care needs. I may not eat for more than eight hours at a time.  I sit here scrundched over with a sense of urgency that is activating an old shoulder problem. I am neglecting the needs of others.  I have not been in to see my sister in law in a couple of weeks. My other children need support but I am always so focused on this! I get all mixed up when I try to lead a yoga class, offering less than my usual self to my yoga students. I am not fully there for my grandkids. I have a hard time meditating without thinking, "Okay what can I do about that thing that they said or did..." I have not prepared my home for Christmas.  Mind is telling me to put all my energy and focus into proving others wrong and I am listening. I am so busy listening and following the directions of this mixed up mind, that I am not living! 

The situation is not crazy ( well...I can't say that is) but ...I can say the situation is not as crazy as the fact that I am listening to  my mind. 

If they are listening to their mind no one is right...their mind is telling them that they know the truth...and that mind knows squat

I am not going to beat up my mind nor am I going to beat up the others lol.  I am going to pull back some. Yes, there is a sense of urgency that has to be honored in getting things done....but as my beautiful and wise children reminded me yesterday, "It will get done Mom...we are all going to work together to prove the taught us will get done." 

Hmmm! All is well in my world.

Michael Singer/ Sounds True/ Temple of the Universe (December, 2024) The Mind Unveiled: From Addiction to Awareness.

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