Monday, February 13, 2023

Healthy Thoughts for Healthy Molecules

Happy thoughts create happy molecules. Healthy thoughts create healthy molecules.

 Wayne Dyer

Was very ill throughout the night, possibly  with what my grandson must have had a few nights ago. My fever must have been through the roof.  It isn't COVID but I am very dehydrated. I did my best to just experience it fully...really was no choice but to.  Anyway, I awoke in a predicament.  I had accepted a job last evening when I was feeling okay and because I do not want to ( or know how to without leaving everything in a mess)  cancel another assignment ( had to do that because of the emergency on Wednesday) I decided to go in anyway.  Not the best public health move for a nurse to make and not the best self care move to make either. I just don't know how to cancel if people are dependent on a body being there. I am not sure about my decision, or how this day will unfold.  It will unfold the way it unfolds, I guess. Clinging to the words of Wayne Dyer to get me through. 

The way my body is reacting to the stressors in my life , I am going to be very, very cautious before accepting the next shift/work day. I won't accept a call in teh evening. I will get up in the morning and do 20 jumping jacks...stop, see how I feel before I accept a call :)...if it should come in. ( Slim pickings these days...just don't want to be in this predicament again). 

All is well 

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