Over time, you will find a place inside you that is behind the commotion of the storm. You can simply relax and fall back into that place. This is the place from which you are noticing the inner commotion,and this place is still, quiet, and there are never any storms. That is the seat of Self.
Michael A. Singer, living untethered (2022; New Harbinger/Sounds True), page 189.
Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us of the Buddha's phrase, " attadipa saranam" which means: Taking refuge in the island of Self. This I believe is the same thing Singer is referring to. Singer tells us we can not reach the Seat of Soul unless we relax and release while Hanh encourages us to breathe mindfully and this will bring us back to the island.
Breathing in, breathing out.
I am water reflecting what is real, what is true.
And I feel there is a deep space inside of me.
I am free.
Thich Nhat Hanh, peace is every breath (2011; Harper One), page 37
All is well
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