Sunday, February 12, 2023

Fully Processing Life

 There is nothing richer than a fully processed experience integrated into  your whole being page 162

Let's talk about this and other gems of wisdom shared by Michael A. Singer in Chapter 32, The Past. We all want to live life freely, peacefully, we not? Yet, most of us have these inner blockages within us, from the past, that keep us from doing so. 

So what do we do to get beyond our human limitations so we can fully express the spiritual nature of who we are?  We must get rid of the blockages! achieve deep spirituality,  your unfinished past cannot be inside you. It must be gone, not suppressed-but gone. You will see over time that when those blocked patterns are gone, all that is left is teh flow of spirit. What is left is the most beautiful thing that could ever exist. page 163

How? We must stop judging the experiences that unfold as good,bad; right or wrong; should be or shouldn't be...and allow it all in.

When you have an experience, it can simply come in and touch consciousness directly.  It doesn't need the mind to judge it as desirable or undesirable and then store it accordingly. page 162

How do you see what is real? Let the past go as the blockages  naturally arise

The past blockages will come up on their own a daily basis, and when they do-let them go. ....if you want to see what is really out there, you need to get rid of your inner 163

When to let go? As soon as you get disturbed

To free yourself, the moment you notice disturbance, let go. Don't wait until that initial disturbance takes over your mind.  You are perfectly aware you're beginning to get upset before you actually get upset. You feel it. You feel when something starts to bother you. If you want to grow spiritually, that's the moment when you do the work. page 163-164

How do you let go? Relax right away

...when  the stuff starts to come up, the second you feel the change,relax.  Don't even  wait until you know what's it about;  just relax and let go. page 164

At what level should we work with samskaras? At the energetic level. 

You can work with your samskaras at the energetic level rather than teh mental level. This is much deeper.  page 164

What is the purpose of Life then? Letting Go and Purification

Eventually, you will take it seriously that the purpos eof your life is letting go of these stored patterns....It's not about renunciation-it's about purification. It's about cleaning out the inside so you can have a beautiful life, both inside and in. page 164

Is it worth all this pain the released energy of samskara will bring? Yes!

At some point in your growth you will recognize that freeing yourself is worth the discomfort of letting go of past disturbances...We are talking about putting out a fraction of that effort to win everything, and the fruits of your effort will keep giving over time. Imagine not having those sensitive blockages in there. Imagine being able to enjoy the world as it unfolds around you. You can begin to appreciate life and wholeheartedly participate in it. Page 165

All is well.

Michael A. Singer ( 2022) living untethered. New Harbinger/ Sounds True

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