Tuesday, February 28, 2023
For Love's Sake
Monday, February 27, 2023
It Will Be Fine!
Once you are being fed by the inner flow, your outer life will be fine. Before you cleared the blockages, you needed the world to be a certain way for you to be okay. This created a struggle with life on a daily basis. When you let go enough to clear the inner energy flow, the struggling ceases. You realize through direct experience that everything you ever wanted is flowing inside you, and the battle will pretty much be over.
Michael A. Singer, living untethered (2022, New Harbinger/ Sounds True), page 194
All is Well!
Sunday, February 26, 2023
What We Do Inside and Outside
You might wonder why you would be motivated to do anything if you're already content. Why bother having a job or even a relationship, if you are already filled with love and happiness? The answer is simple: love wants to express itself and enthusiasm wants to create. Once the energy is unblocked and is flowing freely, personal needs are no longer your motivation. Your actions are the expression of love and gratitude for life. Your whole life becomes an act of service.
Michael Singer, page 193
A New and Better Motivation
Love wants to express itself and enthusiasm wants to create....imagine living with that motivating force directing our every move. Totally new ball game, eh? If what we do no longer comes from a place of lacking and need and desperation, than man it will have a totally different impact on the world, won't it? I so want to be unblocked. I want to live in that higher state.
Practice Getting to the Higher State
In his podacst, Working Inside to Raise Your Inner State, Michael Singer reminds us that the way to get to that higher state where our motivation is to simply express and create this love, enthusiasm and joy within us is to stop working so much outside to fix what is broken inside. We need to, instead, do the inner work of noticing our tendencies, and relaxing into them and what is without judgement, blame or shame. It is a practice. We are bound to screw up a bit in the beginning and must also learn to notice, and relax into that as well. We really do not have to do anything but that.
There can be moments of disturbance but you don't have to do anything about them. They come and they go and they don't affect your energy flow, unless you let them. You'll come to realize that this energy inside you knows what it is doing. It is not only beautiful it is intelligent. If you let it, it will fix everything. The uprising energy will do all the inner work for you. Your job is to not interfere- to surrender. Singer, page 193
All is well.
Michael A. Singer ( 2022) living untethered. New Harbinger/ Sounds True.
Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe ( February 25, 2023) Working Inside to Raise Your Inner State. https://tou.org/talks/
Saturday, February 25, 2023
Must The Rain Fall? Must Some Days Be Dark and Dreary?
The Rainy Day
The day is cold, and dark, and
It rains and the wind is never
The vine still clings to the
mouldering wall,
But at every gust the dead leaves
And the day is dark and dreary.
My life is cold, and dark, and
It rains, and the wind is never
My thoughts still cling to the
mouldering Past,
But the hopes of youth fall thick
to blast,
And the days are dark and dreary.
Be still, sad heart! And cease
Behind the clouds is the sun
still shining.
Thy fate is the common fate of
Into each Life some rain must
Some days must be dark and
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
I was reminded of this poem when Michael Singer used the infamous line in the below linked podcast. It also seemed to flow indirectly but somehow perfectly with what was on my mind after reading this line in living untethered. :
No matter how high you get, you can always get much higher. Don't believe those who say you cannot enjoy happiness unless you also know sadness. That is not true. That is what Life is like if you are still blocked. page 192
Hmm! So would Singer say that Longfellow was still very blocked?
Now, I am one of those people who believe in the natural balance of 10,000 joys and 10,000 sorrows. Of course, we are going to have dark and dreary days and we are going to have sunny days. These days, this weather has nothing to do with us. (Singer, ironocally, often uses the analogy of accepting and relaxing into the rainy day. ) The circumstances that enfold in front of us have little to do with us. Now, Longfellow is quick to point out that rain comes into every Life...and depersonalizes its occurence when he says, "Into every Life some rain must fall" . He is not blaming the rain for falling but he is blaming himself for reacting to his depression brought about by clinging to the"mouldering" past. He is obviously experiencing a slump in energy at the time of writing the poem...a lower state. Then, when he recognizes what he is doing, he reprimands himself by telling his heart to stop whining and feeling sorry for itself. He reminds himself that the sun is still shining behind the cloud and that rainy and dark and dreary days are nothing personal. This rain will fall in everyone's life at some point. Of course the rain also represents our less than positive emotional states that we , as humans, often experience. The sun, I see, as our higher Self . And that is always there. What seems to be a very depressing poem is actually a very uplifting and wise one, isn't it?
So is Longfellow blocked?
Maybe but only temporarily...he is able to recognize so clearly his own reaction to life circumstance and then he is able to use positive thinking, and maybe mantra "behind the clouds is the sun still shining" and "thy fate is the common fate of all" ...to lift himself out of his reactivity. A Buddhist might say he is using wise mind. But a yogi, like Singer, might argue that he is not fully evolved and consumed by the higher state yet because he still suffers from depression, clings to the past and the need for hope. Right? But he is trying to get there, isn't he? I think he is, in that poem, where I am on this journey right now...knowing , understanding and trying to break through old habits of reactivity so he can experience the sun full time (even if the literal sun is covered by cloud) . This begins with accepting what is as it is...the rain, the less than favorable emotions etc , the ten thousand sorrows and seeing the impersonal nature of it.
Do Some Days Have To Be Dark and Dreary?
For the unevolved being maybe, but eventually, Singer reminds us, there will be no more dark and dreary days.
We can go higher than this. We can always go higher...but first we must recognize our tendency to react to life circumstance as if it is something personal, our tendency to to cling to the past, our tendency to allow this "me" we created to whine and complain about what is, and then we need to be willing to stop doing these things. We need to stop stuffing new samskaras on top of our old ones through our resistance of what is. Then and only then will we experience this:
Once you are unblocked, you will notice that the energy is always beautiful. It is an ever-new rush of uplifting joy that raises your heart, your mind, and everything inside you. page 192
I wonder if Longfellow ever reached that state of uplifting joy. I hope he did. I hope I do too. I hope we all do.
All is well in my world.
Michael A. Singer ( 2022) living untethered. New Harbinger/Sounds True
Michael A. Singer ( February 6, 2023) Relaxing Your Inner Hands of Resistance. https://tou.org/talk-archive/
Friday, February 24, 2023
The High State of Enthusiasm
As the blockages release, the energy takes you to higher and higher states. You already know what the higher states are. The higher states are about love.They are about being really enthusiastic about your job and anything else you are doing. The higher energies are beautiful.
Michael A. Singer, 192
I am trying to absorb the last few chapters of this book. So I may be quoting a little too much from it to be considered copyright okay. Well I suppose I already infringed on those rights. Any time we quote like this we should have permission from the author, which I do not have. I am simply "assuming," that he, as an evolved teacher, won't mind if one unknown, inconspicuous and unimportant student sitting way in the back of the classroom shares her notes with someone else in class. :)
The Course is Set?
Anyway, these last two chapters are important because they speak to what Life can be like when Shakti is finally free to flow. I know I set "Peace from Purification" as my Pole star, the thing I am aiming for as I travel along these rough waters but sometimes it seems more like a lofty dream rather than a real possibility. It is good to hear that it is possible to attain this peace and to be told about what freedom from our samskaras really entails. I want those higher energy states in me. What about you?
I mean, I have tasted glimpses of them. For example, before Christmas I felt these energies starting to whir inside me. I was sailing my boat like a pro it seemed...happy and peaceful, full of love for everybody and everything. I could see my Pole star perfectly and felt I was right on course. I attributed some of this joy and enthusiasm , once again erroneously, to what was happening in the outside world. I had started a new little job and I was so enthused about it. I was needed once again and I could provide a service that was worthwhile while I met some of these personal physiological needs...(income) as well as the unnecessary psychological needs ( esteem, and purpose). It was exciting! Even though I knew better, I allowed myself to believe this new enthusiastic high was due to the fact that things were working out for me "out there". I made it conditional.
Winds Picking Up; Waters Getting Rough
Then opportunities suddenly slowed down at the same time this "me" slowed down. It was a double whammy. My body started acting up again, Life started acting up again...the suffering of the people around me intensified and I was called in to somehow "fix it" or at least alleviate some of the pain. I couldn't but the pressure to do so was suffocating. Others, at the same time, had to move back into this house increasing the demands of this "me" to provide and sacrifice "my" time, energy and space for. I was suddenly struggling financially again...and I recognized how this "me" was no longer needed as much in the small services I was providing. The little adventures I was so excited about only weeks before seemed to lose their oompf for me. So even when the calls came in...and they were few and far between...I began to play with reasons why I could not accept them ( Most of them legitimate). The samskaras which were naturally making their way up and out, as a result of this increase in energy flow, started getting triggered and bumped around. It seemed like too much. There was this growing resistance to the Life experience unfolding in front of me, as a result of all this. Then, I began to resist the resistance...loading my psyche down with guilt and shame over my inability to provide, and my unwillingness to accept and allow all the unwanted in. It became very messy, stormy and chaotic in here again.
Forgetting How To Sail
Now, I realize that this disturbance in me had little to do with what was happening out there. The high energy had stopped flowing because I closed down. I closed down because things were not the way I preferred them to be. I wanted things to be a certain way and they were not that way. My mind judged what was unfolding in front of me as bad, wrong and shouldn't be and in my attempt to push it away, I added even more samskaras to my samskara filled heart...I did this even though I am well aware of the mind's tendency to do this, knew the consequences of doing so and had committed to not doing this. I slipped. I went back into old mental patterns quite quickly when things got a little challenging on the outside. I realized that I really didn't know how to handle my boat on rough waters. I can easily open and stay open when things are going even a bit "good" out there but when the waters start getting a certain degree of rough again , I realize I am, as of yet, not a very skilled sailor. (Thus the poem a few days ago).
Anyway, reading about what Life is like when we let go of all these blockages so Shakti can flow freely through, has inspired me again to recommit to my journey, to do whatever I can to stay on course. I want to be able to handle my boat on bumpy waters , the same way I handle it on smooth. I don't want the waters to matter. Hmm! I want to stay open no matter what, allowing it all in! Why? Because I want the high states. I want that enthusiasm! I want it for you as well!
As you open up, life is no longer about seeking nonnegative states; it is about allowing ever-increasing positive states. Growth used to be about not feeling anger or anxiety anymore. Now it is about feeling so much overwhelming love when you wake up that you have trouble getting out of bed. Then the feeling of enthusiasm is so strong that it pulls you out of bed and propels you through your day. That is what it feels like when the energy is flowing.
Michael A. Singer, page 192.
I intend to stay open so that enthusiasm can flow through me once again, taking me higher and higher..
All is well.
Michael A. Singer ( 2022) living untethered. New Harbinger/Sounds True
Thursday, February 23, 2023
Getting Our Needs Met?
You used to make satisfying your needs your priority [before awakening]. Most of our modern needs are psychological. Psychological needs are actually unnatural, as they indicate that something is missing or wrong.
Michael A. Singer , living untethered, page 191
I had a discussion yesterday, something about "my" psychological needs. In this person's mind it was very natural and healthy for me to honor these needs and to set limits to protect them. We used Maslow's hierarchy as an example. My desire to reach a state of complete peace through awakening and Self Realization might not have been understood but the human drive towards Self- actualization could be understood. It was pointed out that a person can not reach the top tier of the pyramyd without having the needs for food, water, shelter, safety met right etc. That is obvious...if I am starving to death or dying from dehydration, Self actualization might not seem that important ( Though I believe we do achieve a certain realization when we are dying). Then the need for love and belonging was brought up. Can we get there without that? Do we need to be in healthy "special relationships"? My wise mind says of course not...if I am Self realized ( Self- actualized) it wouldn't matter who I interact with, who I am with. I will feel love because that love, I know, comes from me not the other person. And what about esteem? I don't attempt to have my esteem.needs met anymore. It seems too shallow. ..I see esteem as something that helps the ego get to the top but if the ego gets to the top it isn't true actualization, is it, because we are dealing with the "little self" and not the greater Self? I did not know how to explain this perspective to this individual.
The conundrum arises for me when I see how the "me" is suffering...efforting to survive financially and physically and constantly, it seems, having those efforts thwarted. This "me" has psychological problems. I talk to this very empathetic and caring person about this issue and it is all great and good until I mention how this is probably a good thing becasue I want "me" out of the picture anyway. I want "me" out of the way because it isn't who I really am. I realize how far off that goal seems to most people...how "insane" maybe. I am telling this individual that I should not be attempting to have this "me's" needs met anyway...but she calmly and nonjudgmentally asks, how do I get to Self actualization/Self realization unless I deal with one pyramid level at a time?
These psychological problems, Singer reminds us, are just a result of blocked energy flow. The problems are something my mind up and are non-existent to the greater Self. Both the problem and the solution are internal. How would I explain that to someone who genuinely wants me to be more assertive in getting my physical and psychological needs met, who is encouraging me to surround myself with other people and external circumstances that support "my" needs so that I feel love, joy and enthusiasm? How do I explain it to myself when I see how unnatural these needs are but at the same time I seek to meet them? So bloody confusing.
Psychological needs come from your blockages. When the energy is freed, what you feel is love, joy, enthusiasm, which are just different words for uplifting energy...When your energies are liberated, you don't need energy from anybody else.
Michael A. Singer, page 191-192
Michael A. Singer ( 2022) living untethered. New Harbinger/ Sounds True.
Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe ( February 6, 2023) Living From a Higher Place Within. https://tou.org/talk-archive/
The Gift of Obscurity
Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, and waste its fragrance on the dessert air.
Jane Austin, Emma
Obscurity seems to be what Life is unfolding before me to handle and deal with. It sometimes seems like a "karmic punishment" but I am reminded by some voice deep within me that it is a gift...a gift of learning that I so desperately need.
Obscurity actually has two meanings. The first one, according to Oxford Languages is, a state of being unknown,inconspicuous or unimportant. That is where I am finding this "me" that identifies as a writer and a teacher. I have a few readers now and again ( and I am grateful for your readership) and I have a few loyal and committed students showing up on my pages or in my yoga classes but not enough to take me above the level of obscurity. I, as a "me" that writes and teaches am for the most part unknown, inconspicuous and unimportant. The ego stings a bit with that realization but with that sting I am reminded that what doesn't serve the ego, often serves the spirit. And it is the higher Self that I am devoted to serving so that makes obscurity a positive thing, doesn't it? If I had notoriety instead of obscurity unfolding before me...I most likely would get lost in ego stuff again. I know how I feel when I do get recognized for my writing ( published) or when people compliment me on my yoga classes. I open up and feel the energy of enthusiasm flowing through me...which in itself is a wonderful thing...but that energy can, when dependent on the good opinion of others and directed by ego, turn to a certain arrogant expectation, even a sense of "superiority" that leads me off my path. I don't want to water those seeds at all. Obscurity waters the seeds of humility and that keeps me humble and helps me to stay on the path I want to be on. I think, then, that while ego is still active in me obscurity is a gift to keep me on the trajectory I need to be on. This whole journey, after all, is about getting the personalized little self out of the way, isn't it? If this personalized self is not given the lime light or is considered to be "unknown, inconspicuous and unimportant" it will be diminished. Diminishment of "me" is what I truly want.
Obscurity also has another meaning. the quality of being difficult to understand. Hmm! This "me" is difficult to understand because it isn't who I am ...but even more difficult to understand to the unevolved mind is who I am and always was beneath this "me". Though this Self is definitely not unimportant, it is often unknown and inconspicuously hidden behind this veil of "me" . I want the "me" to fade out of the light and the light of Self to shine forth. Hmm! What is also challenging to understand is all this stuff I write about and teach about. Few people I talk to about it understand. In fact they think that I am crazier than a bag of hammers when I speak or write about such things as "awakening", the "true Self". Sigh ...Obscurity could be the natural consequence of what I choose to do and the path I choose to take.
Regardless obscurity is neither good or bad...it just is. It is what is unfolding in front of me and I will allow it, embrace it, honor it and be grateful for it. So I decided last evening as I left my class...I will continue to put 100 percent into my writing here, into each class I teach. It doesn't matter if 100 people are standing before me listening/reading or if it is just one.I will continue to serve the Greater Self, no matter how much the little "me" cries out becasue it doesn't like obscurity. It is all good.
All is well in my world.
Oxford Langauages https://languages.oup.com/google-dictionary-en/
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Get Out of the Way!
Over time, you will find that there is a place inside you that is behind the commotion of the storm. You can simply relax and fall into that place. This is the place from which you are noticing the inner commotion, and this place is still, quiet, and there are never any storms. That is the Seat of Self. You don't find your way back to Self-you simply cease to leave.
Michael A. Singer, living untethered, page 188
Behind the veil of the mind, is who we really are...the True Self, the Atman, the Soul, the witness consciousness...whatever you want to call it ( I don't care if you call it Fred) ...The point is, there is someone or something in there, in you, that knows you are noticing all that is happening. There is an awareness of you being aware of awareness. ( Sounds like a riddle, eh?) .
So we have a "you"...a psyche, mind, personality with your name in your body, taking on your roles on this planet. This thing called "you" thinks and feels and is so lost in those thoughts and feelings it identifies as them. "I am depressed!" you will say. "I am a person with great problems,"you might also say. This "you" may say, "I am a happy house wife" or a "contened plumber". "I am cursed" or "I am blessed." All theses things it says it is are just "thoughts" and feelings...Yet...we believe it when it says, "This is who I am". . We believe what the mind says even though it can change on a dime.
This "me/you" is where we put most of our attention and energy. This "preferring" entity of ever-changing thought and feeling is what we feed. We spend most of our lives grabbing whatever we can from the outside world to give it what it tells us it needs or we strive to protect it from the things it tells us will make it unhappy or unwell. This thing comes to build its separate being based on all the things we have been through in life and its tendency to judge what is good for it and what is bad.
B.F. Skinner said, according to Michael Singer, that the psyche ( this entity of "me/you") is nothing more than the sum of all your learned experiences. The experiences you select to store within you becasue they were too unpleasant to deal with or too pleasant to let go of...is only 1 percent of all that unfolds in front of you. So it isn't a very "significant statistic" according to Michael A. Singer, in his podcast, The Veil of Mind. Yet this collected data, you allow to determine the quality of life you experience as this identified "me". Just a bunch of thoughts and feelings ...nothing substantial, nothing real. It makes your life a living hell full of storms and commotions.
Yet, this thing we made is not the only thing inside us. There is something Greater...something behind the veil that doesn't change, doesn't get disturbed, doesn't collect data ...that simply allows all of life to come into it and then it lets all of life go...clinging to nothing. Just peacefully and joyfully observing and experiencing. It is this Self that we are.... It is here where we long to be.
The only thing in the way...is this veil we created...this veil of "me"/"you"...a temporal, not long for this planet, ever-changing and samskara ridden entity. It is blocking our awareness of the space in the background and it is blocking all the wonderful light from that space from coming through. What we forget is we are that which is back there...we just need to get the "me" and all its samskaras out of the way. We need to let go of that which we cling to and fall back into this Seat of Self.
The thing is, we are already there right? We never left. This thing we created is not real...it is just something we made up and decided to believe is us. So we really didn't leave the Seat of Self, we just "thought" we did. Freedom comes when we realize that we are not that "me/you" we thought we were, fall back into the Seat of Self and decide never to leave again...never to get so lost in mind stuff that we forget who we are again. We observe Life from there ...letting it all in and letting it all go. No preferences!
Hmmm! Anyway...that is the way I see it. Thanks Michael Singer...for helping me realize this Life changing stuff.
All is well.
Always remember, it is spirit's job to liberate you from yourself. Shakti wants to be free, but you're in the way.
Michael SInger, page 186
Michael A. Singer (2022) living untethered. New Harbinger/Sounds True
Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe ( February 12, 2023) The Veil of Mind. https://tou.org/talk-archive/
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Unfavorable Winds
Unfavorable winds
Unfavorable winds too often hit my craft, blowing it here and there
And I, an unskilled sailor, will hesitate as my sail tatters in
the air.
Do I angle this broken sail to catch more wind or do I take it down?
Do I steer the rutter against this current or do I let it go around ?
Do I gear up to fight the storm or do I batten down the hatch?
Do I send out a mayday or do I succumb as loser to this match?
Do I allow this gail to take me from my trajectory and out
into the sea
Or do I hold the course no matter what, determined to be where I must be ?
With every nasty wind that blows my way and every bit of
I am reminded that I am an unskilled captain on
this boat that is my life.
©Dale-Lyn, February 2023
Listened to the below talk from Michael A. Singer and this popped out. Like I am not 100 percent clear as to what my destination might be. There has been a lot of nasty wind and a lot of windless states that I am not sure how to handle and therefore I have no idea if I am still on course. . What about you? You know where you are going? You a good sailor? Do you know how to handle the unfavorable winds? Or are you like me, still learning?
All is well.
Michael A. Singer ( February 20, 2023) Navigating the Ocean of Life. https://tou.org/talks/
Monday, February 20, 2023
Attadipa Saranam
Over time, you will find a place inside you that is behind the commotion of the storm. You can simply relax and fall back into that place. This is the place from which you are noticing the inner commotion,and this place is still, quiet, and there are never any storms. That is the seat of Self.
Michael A. Singer, living untethered (2022; New Harbinger/Sounds True), page 189.
Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us of the Buddha's phrase, " attadipa saranam" which means: Taking refuge in the island of Self. This I believe is the same thing Singer is referring to. Singer tells us we can not reach the Seat of Soul unless we relax and release while Hanh encourages us to breathe mindfully and this will bring us back to the island.
Breathing in, breathing out.
I am water reflecting what is real, what is true.
And I feel there is a deep space inside of me.
I am free.
Thich Nhat Hanh, peace is every breath (2011; Harper One), page 37
All is well
Sunday, February 19, 2023
You are the Self. You are the conscious witness to all that happens before you. You dwell deep inside, and nothing in there is more powerful than you. You have free will; use it to accept what already happened rather than letting past events mess up the rest of your life. Free yourself from these samskaras. Transmute your blocked energies into a powerful spiritual force.
Michael A. Singer, living untethered ( 2022, New Harbinger/Sounds True) page 183
The transformation has started.
Tight and constricting,
strangling the flow of life in me,
this outer shell I wear is
ready and needing to come off.
It is a slow and painful process.
Though I may long for outside fingers,
to reach down where I,
in contorted shape,
lay, writhing and twisting,
to rip the skin off in one painful swoop
so I can breathe for the first time,
I know there is a process I must follow.
I must allow myself to molt.
Ego’s drying carcass,
with all its likes and dislikes,
freckling and speckling
in the beautiful patterns
of reds and yellows,
I once wore so proudly
to let others know who I was
will, I am told,
peel and slide off me
naturally and effortlessly,
leaving a perfect form
of what I never was behind me…
if I am willing.
I think I am willing.
They tell me that,
as I continue to make my way through
these tall grasses of life circumstance,
I need do nothing but allow.
I will do my best to allow.
Molting….Self is molting.
It is a slow and painful process,
impacted by my ambivalent readiness.
Part of me longs to be free
of this restricting hold.
The other part is much too attached
to these beautiful colours
and the way the world seems to
fear and respect me for them.
I have grown accustomed
to the defensive safety they
How naked and vulnerable I fear,
I will be without my outer shell,
at the mercy of Life and all
that unfolds in front of me.
Yet, as shiny and attractive as it may be,
I know Ego offers a flimsy protection
from the predators on the outside
and a tight and choking
prison for my insides.
I must just let it go.
Breathe, I tell myself, breathe.
Relax, I tell myself , relax.
I stop my writhing and resisting
and I lay back to notice, simply notice….
the slow progressive peeling
of what I thought I once was,
from the being that I am.
I breathe and I relax,
settling into the transformation
that will save me from myself.
I learn to let go.
© Dale-Lynn, February 2023
Sigh! Listening to the below talk as I continue to process these teachings and the inspiration for this comes up and out like a hiccough.
Anyway, just a few more chapters of living untethered. I am getting these teachings. I am absorbing the learning, and am so very grateful for all of it. I will eventually move on from it but never completely away. I will just add more teachings and more teachers as I continue to pursue my Masters of Life degree. Someday I might even graduate. Do you think?
All is well.
Michael A. Singer ( February 19, 2023) Shedding the Ego. https://tou.org/talks/
Saturday, February 18, 2023
The Real Guru
Life is your real guru. It is challenging you to either move further away from Self or come back to Self. Life is your friend. Everything that happens in Life is an opportunity to get better at freeing yourself from yourself-dying to be reborn. page 171.
I have a few more chapters to process through before complete my studying of living untethered. I read it for the first time in maybe a little over a day ( when I had opportunity to read), then I read it for the second time, bringing an underlining tool with me so I could mark the words or passages that most hit home. That took a week of using every reading opportunity I could. And this third read I am doing is taking a little longer because as I read, I am chewing up the teachings in my head so I can spit them out here. That is how I make sense of things.
So in Chapter 34, Handling the Bigger Stuff, Singer encourages us to look at the difficult situations in Life as a part of our practice. We must be willing to practice through them and learn. Our goal is not to close up and avoid the disturbances in Life (be they small or big), but to use them to come back to Self. It is all about coming back to Self and processing Life through there.
Coming back to Self, means getting through or getting rid of the "stuff" that is in the way. What is in the way? The big things in Life are not what is in the way...despite what the mind would have us believe. "Little me" is in the way...our tendency to personalize each thing that unfolds as if it is unfolding for us, is in the way. Our blockages...our samskaras are in the way as well. We really do need to let them go...let our resistance to the things that tend to trigger them go so Shakti can flow freely.
You are not supposed to be interacting with the world based on your blockages inside. ...If you allow that to happen you are going to make every decision based on based on what makes you feel better, which is likely not best for the situation at hand. page 172
Your underlying motive can't ever be about you. It has to be about serving what is happening in front of you. To the absolute best of your ability, you always serve Life as it unfolds in front of you. page 173
Let go of the lower part of you, so you can express the higher part that is always in harmony with Life.
All is well.
Michael A. Singer ( 2022) living untethered. New Harbinger/ Sounds True
Friday, February 17, 2023
Meditation: A Learning Practice, Helping Us to Relax and Release Into Life's Disturbance.
Every single time you start to get disturbed, are you willing to relax and release? Or do you still need to go through another round of expressing and defending your blockages?
Michael A. Singer, living untethered, page 170
How do we get beyond this addictive tendency of the mind to express and defend our blockages? How do we learn to relax and release in the face of disturbance? Meditation is one of many tools that can help us do that.
Soften, Release and Relax
I make students mindful of a mantra throughout my yoga classes, but especially near the end and that is this: On every in breath we breathe in awareness and on every out breath, we breathe out a softening, releasing and relaxing. My intention is to have this mantra help soften , release and relax their bodies as they settle into each pose but also to have their minds soften, release and relax for the hour and hopefully longer. I want my students to strengthen in their ability to relax and release with all Life gives them. Maybe the mat, I tell myself, is where this ability will begin.
Teaching Meditation?
I am also a mindfulness and meditation teacher. I met all the course requirements in the program I took, which was offered by a professor with a PHd in psychology. I have a Certificate and everything.(As if that means anything in the big scheme of things lol) But, if you came to me and said, "Teach me how! Make me a meditator too". I would have to say, "Sorry, but I cannot do that. I can show you how I meditate, talk to you about what works for me and what doesn't, guide you through a session, talk to you about other practices that I studied in the course I took and in my independent practice, address the benefits, the obstacles and challenges of meditation that may arise but the only one who can make you a meditator, is you. It is not like teaching math. It is more like teaching "being". How does one make another a "be-er'"? Luckily, for you though, Michael A. Singer offers a chapter on Meditation in his book, living untethered. And I will tell you this, as he also explains in the book, meditation can change your life. If you want more clarity, more peace, less reactivity in your everyday approach to Life, meditation, as a tool, can help big time. "
Well that is how I would answer. :)
A Spiritual Practice?
We call meditation a spiritual practice but it is simply a practice of becoming a more peaceful human. The key word is practice. Why? Because one cannot expect a perfect transcendent awakening everytime they sit down or even anytime they sit down. It cannot be about that. It isn't about stopping all that busy chattering in the mind either. We will never stop thinking. The mind thinks. That is what it does. Meditation is more about being aware that the mind is thinking and being aware of this often forgotten truth: If we are aware of the mind thinking, we are aware that something inside us is aware. Let's tap into, "Who is aware?" instead of the thoughts and the story the mind wants to pull us into. Don't resist the thoughts...just notice that they are there. By noticing them we become aware of awareness.
Don't Resist: Soften, Release and Relax
So the thoughts are there and they "should" be there. Believing they "shouldn't be" is resistance and resistance is one of the biggest blockages to relaxing and releasing. A big part of meditation practice is being mindful and aware that you are thinking when you are thinking and instead of following those thoughts, giving them all your devoted attention and blind obedience until you are lost in them, in meditation practice we intend to simply step back a bit away from them and observe that we are thinking. We relax the body and mind to do that, without judgment or preference.
Whatever is going in there is fine-as long as you can objectively observe it. This is called mindful meditation. Page 168
Gaining Back Our Power of Attention
Then we take our attention away from the thinking mind onto something else. I use breath awareness, counting breath, my mala, a sankalpa, body scans and sometimes the words of others(guided meditation) to distract me from the addictive pull of mind stuff. We decide what we are going to put our attention on, not the mind. It is an empowerment exercise just as much as it is a relaxing one.
Is it going to be perfect?
No, it doesn't have to be perfect. Don't add unrealistic expectations to your practice. It is what it is, it will be what it will be. It's a practice...we get better at it as we go along. We are going to get lost in thoughts and mind stuff again and again...we just pull our attention away again and again. That's all. Sometimes we will be able to count our breaths perfectly without distraction ( if that is the method we are choosing) and other times we find we cannot seem to get past 10 breaths without losing focus. That's okay. We just catch ourselves and start over again until our time is up.
Willingness and Commitment is so Important
Like anything we practice we need a certain willingness to show up and a certain commitment to continue. Set a time for yourself...maybe 15 minutes twice a day and stick to it! I notice my commitment has been waning. I have been pulled away from my practice by life events and by the stories my mind was telling me about these life events. I often put my practice aside as a result. The more busy and stressful our lives are, the experts say, the more we should be meditating.
I know I need to recommit to twice a day for 20- 60 minutes. I really do. It has to be my daily priority. It will be!
All is well!
Michael A. Singer (2023) living untethered. New Harbinger/ Sounds True
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
A Dialogue With Life and Deeper I
What is the highest spiritual state that could possibly exist? You wake up in the morning and there is not a thing on your mind except the excitement and joy of having woken up again and there you are. You get up and go through your day experiencing what it is like to be spinning on a tiny little planet in the middle of nowhere, experiencing what happens to be happening on that planet in front of you at that moment. You have no fear. You have no anxiety. You have no hopes. You have no dreams. You have no beliefs. You have nothing….except your own being which is the being who knows that you are there.
Michael A. Singer
Can one make a living as a philosopher? Because I would happily become one right now...being I spend most of my waking time trying to understand the thinking mind so I can get beyond the thinking mind. I am so done with any Rene Descartes notions of, "I think therefore I am." I am coming to see that "I think" is keeping me from "I am." It is in the way. I want to get rid of "I think" so I can be "I am". Sigh! Still I would like to be paid to express how thought attempts to understand thought. Yes it would be nice to be paid to do what I do here...paid for something lol.
Looks like I am not going to make an income at my part time gig as I keep getting called away from it by life circumstance at a time the demand for the likes of "me" is diminishing. Any opportunity I may of had in the last little while was met by some resistance and often an outright , "No!" from Life. The yoga buz is not bustling either. I had to spend to set up my web page, get my license and therefore insurance from the alliance renewed...and a few little things to teach in the community ...plus the space I am renting . I am now in a bit of debt that will likely not be rectified by what I will make. I don't need to make a profit off of teaching yoga ...that was never my main goal but I prefer not to be in deep debt because of it. (There I am preferring something other than what is again). Since the creation of my little studio, I had it all worked out as to what it would cost to pay back the expected debt...and I could have done it no problem....even if I gave many of my classes away without charge like I tend to do...but ...COVID hit...and like it did for so many besides this little "me", it took away my students and then my income. Most never really returned ...so the debt remains. And there is so much to deal with besides the finances. These little jobs can no longer distract me from these issues and my body is starting to say , "No not having it!!!"
So I, as I philosophize on this, hear, in my head, a three way conversation going on between "me" as the human, Life and witness consciousness which I will call the Deeper I.
It goes a little like this:
Life: "Just witness and experience all that I offer you."
Human "me": " What the Fork Life? I am told I am just suppose to experience each fold of you unravelling in front of me but man can you take it a bit easier on me? Don't I have to pay the mortgage while I am witnessing? Am I suppose to be poor and homeless like a forest dweller? Is that where you are taking me? I would like to know what is next once in a while so I can prepare. You keep sucker punching me.
Life: You don't have to know what is next. You just need to experience what is in front of you unfolding right now and be okay with it....whatever it is. Just witness and experience all of me without judgement or preference. I will be what I am and you are graced with the opportunity to be a part of me.
Human "me": "Graced??? Well you are not making it easy to even like you. Is that my karmic duty then? To suffer? Is that why you won't let me catch a bit of a break in the finance department or the human dilemma department ? And you do this when the number of mouths to feed around here are increasing rather than decreasing as one would expect at this stage of life. When there are so many other things to deal with?Come on! "
Deeper I:" It is not about you Grasshopper. Remember that! "Me" is just a veil in a way of your being absorbed back into all I am. Do your best to get beyond the "self ", so you can fall back into "Self" while you remember that you are, as a body and personality, just one of 8 billion on a tiny planet in the middle of nowhere with the opportunity and honor of experiencing a slice of it all."
Human "me": Say what? A slice of what? Man, you guys talk in riddles. That's all fine and dandy but I am afraid this body and personality don't give a rats ass about ' falling back into witness consciousness 'when they have to to keep others and self alive. I need to survive on this planet in the middle of nowhere, don't I , if you as "Self" are going to experience any of it through me as "self"? I can't crack up from the pressure of being a human being wreaked with problems, can I? What good does that do anybody?
Life: There are no problems anywhere but in your mind. You create them. You are the problem!
Human Mind: WTfork? Give me a break!
Deeper I: I agree with Life, Grasshopper. From where I am, there are no problems either. Just love and peace and bliss. Life looks amazing from here.
Life: Awe...thanks Deeper I.
Deeper I: No problem. I can only speak the truth.
Life: Now little human mind and body, you blame me for your problems and for your unhappiness but I don't create problems. I just offer what is in its ever changing temporal form.
Deeper I: What is is pretty awesome from my point of view.
Life: (blushing) I offer you a slice of me to taste and to experience directly. But because you are not okay inside you neglect what I give you as "not good enough" and blame me for your so called problems. Then you seek to fix those "problems" by coming to me with a list of your hopes, dreams, beliefs and preferences. You cling to that list , reciting what is on it over and over again, as you try to twist and prod and move me around so it is more to your liking. Imagine you, one little blink of an eye in eternity, one tiny little soon to be expired form out of the 8 billion on this planet at this moment...thinking you can change all that I have always been just to make you feel okay inside. All that effort you and others put into doing so over the centuries and it didn't change me. Not one iota. Has it ever changed me? No. You cannot change me. I am simply unfolding and revealing all that you could be experiencing. Even if I did change to accommodate your pettiness, would that end your so called problems? No...you would just create more because your problems are not with me...they are with you.
Human me: What do you mean I create my own problems? I didn't choose any of this. I deserve more. I deserve something better than this. I deserve to be happy.
Life: Who is unhappy? Who wants to be happy?
Human "me": What???
Life: Who inside you is unhappy? Are you happy Deeper I?
Deeper I: Of course. I can be nothing but happy and blissful, perfectly okay with everything as it unfolds in me and around me.
Life: Deeper I is undisturbed. Deeper I is untouched by these things you want fixed.
Human "me": That is just great for Deeper I, but what about this human Deeper I is in? Human "me" is not so great with what is happening .
Life: If you fall back into who you are, you will experience what Deeper I experiences when it embraces me. True Love. Remember my dear...you are spirit having a human experience, not the other way around.
Human me: You are so annoying at times Life. Let me direct this to Deeper I: Deeper I, are you not supposed to be the wise one? Well do something to make me okay inside ....cuz you aint going to have a place to hang out for much longer if this keeps up. Let me tell ya! I am still responsible for this human part of us that needs shelter and food....right? We need a human mind that is not completely broken right? Life might not give a darn if this body succumbs...if the mind goes bonkers but is not some part of us suppose to do something about it. ...to keep it and others here as long as we can?
Deeper I: Can't you see, I don't care what happens to body and mind and you shouldn't either. You are putting so much energy into worrying about the body succumbing and the mind breaking when it is your worrying that is straining both, your efforting to make things different, your hoping and dreaming to be in some other moment, and your denial of the truth that is making you so sick and twisted. You as the human part of us are just a flash in the pan, my dear. Whereas I go on and on and on. The body and the personality are so, so finite...just a breeze blowing in and out. Our body is going to succumb eventually, our personality ( which is nothing more than a representation of that list you insist on carrying) is going to go with it. It may be today or it may be thirty years from now but it is going to happen. Why not let go, fall back into me and enjoy Life as Self while you can. Say, "I don't care what happens next", with me. Experience the awesomeness of it. Just let go of that list you are holding on to. There can never be true peace as long as you are clinging to it because you can never get to me with it.
Human "me" : Why would I ever want to get to you if you don't give a darn about "me"?
Deeper I: It is not that I don't have compassion and loving kindness for you . I just see what you are and I see what you have done in your confusion. You created a "me" that isn't real based on that list. You created so many blockages by not embracing the what is of things and wanting more. You are missing out on the amazing opportunity of truly living that you have been granted.. .
Life: Yes I would like to flow through but you are so blocked.I would like you to experience the joy I have to show you but you have to let me in.
Deeper I: You have created a veil between the two of us, a separation...and let's face it, you do not do well without me. I just want you to fall back into me so you can see in the clear way I see just how amazing this experience can be...so we can see that way as One. You are not that which you created and assumed yourself to be on the other side of the veil. You too, my dear, are Self!
Human Me: Hmmm! I don't know. I am soooo confused. You guys are so annoying! Maybe I will try falling back, only because I don't know what else to do. It sucks over here... but.... I am not ready to put down the list yet.
Life and Deeper I: ( sighing in unison) Well it's a start. When you are ready we will be here.
I have no idea what I wrote up there or why lol. I just wrote it. Inspired by the podcast below, I guess.
All is well.
Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe. (February 13, 2023) Exploring a Higher State of Being. https://tou.org/talks/
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Relaxing In to the "What Is" of Illness
Everytime you relax and release [into what is], a piece of the pain leaves forever.
Michael A. Singer
Feeling better now though I am not 100%. The experience of being ill over the last couple of days was a wonderful opportunity to fully experience one of Life's many offerings.
Say what crazy lady?
At first I resisted being ill as we tend to do. I had a workday booked, didn't know how to cancel it and was afraid to because I had to cancel one last week because of the emergency. Didn't want to let others down. Told myself I was making too much of it by focusing on the negative. Reminded myself it wasn't about "me": my body and personality. It is all about what I can give the world ( Fever makes one's mind very dramatic!) So I took some Tylenol and Ginger Gravol and went off to work. Working with a high fever was an experience, let me tell ya. The kids acted up and I did little to correct them. They probably could have been asking to run down the halls with machine guns and I would have said, "Just sign out when you go and when you return. And try to keep it quiet. " I eventually had to go ask someone if I could go home. When I got home I discovered my temp was 38.5 on 1000mg of Tylenol...that is pretty high. I felt sooo sick.
But I no longer had to resist the experience. I could experience it completely and in so doing help to release some old stuffed pain. I remembered the three techniques Michael Singer suggested: positive thinking, mantra, and leaning back into witness consciousness
Positive thinking wise, I reminded myself that this was a wonderful opportunity to get the rest I wasn't able to get over the last week or so, it was an opportunity for the self care I was denying myself....that all I have to focus on right now...becasue that was all I could focus on...was the experience of my body. Illness reconnects us to our bodies.
Then I found myself using the mantra, "This too shall pass." I knew despite how sick I felt, that it was a short term thing...it wouldn't last forever...the mantra helped
And finally I leaned back into witness consciousness and observed...allowing the entire experience to come in and move out of me. I crawled in to bed with the intention of experiencing it all fully. I just lay there experiencing each ache and pain, each shiver, each flush of heat causing me to remove the blankets without judging any of it as "bad, wrong, shouldn't be!" It simply was as it was. I witnessed the nausea and the way I was so repulsed by even the talk of food. I slept and slept and slept and when I woke up, I witnessed and experienced it all again until I was finally able to witness the sensations of relief as the fever broke. I noticed how everything appeared less foggy and unbalanced when that happened...like an awakening.
I was grateful I had this opportunity to practice with. I fully experienced a short term illness, one of Life's many offerings. Eventually, I will be able to embrace all that is offered without resisting. Starts with the low hanging fruit.
It was cool? (Well ...after the fever broke ...before that it was pretty hot in here lol)
All is well.
Monday, February 13, 2023
Healthy Thoughts for Healthy Molecules
Happy thoughts create happy molecules. Healthy thoughts create healthy molecules.
Wayne Dyer
Was very ill throughout the night, possibly with what my grandson must have had a few nights ago. My fever must have been through the roof. It isn't COVID but I am very dehydrated. I did my best to just experience it fully...really was no choice but to. Anyway, I awoke in a predicament. I had accepted a job last evening when I was feeling okay and because I do not want to ( or know how to without leaving everything in a mess) cancel another assignment ( had to do that because of the emergency on Wednesday) I decided to go in anyway. Not the best public health move for a nurse to make and not the best self care move to make either. I just don't know how to cancel if people are dependent on a body being there. I am not sure about my decision, or how this day will unfold. It will unfold the way it unfolds, I guess. Clinging to the words of Wayne Dyer to get me through.
The way my body is reacting to the stressors in my life , I am going to be very, very cautious before accepting the next shift/work day. I won't accept a call in teh evening. I will get up in the morning and do 20 jumping jacks...stop, see how I feel before I accept a call :)...if it should come in. ( Slim pickings these days...just don't want to be in this predicament again).
All is well
Sunday, February 12, 2023
Fully Processing Life
There is nothing richer than a fully processed experience integrated into your whole being page 162
Let's talk about this and other gems of wisdom shared by Michael A. Singer in Chapter 32, The Past. We all want to live life freely, peacefully, happily...do we not? Yet, most of us have these inner blockages within us, from the past, that keep us from doing so.
So what do we do to get beyond our human limitations so we can fully express the spiritual nature of who we are? We must get rid of the blockages!
...to achieve deep spirituality, your unfinished past cannot be inside you. It must be gone, not suppressed-but gone. You will see over time that when those blocked patterns are gone, all that is left is teh flow of spirit. What is left is the most beautiful thing that could ever exist. page 163
How? We must stop judging the experiences that unfold as good,bad; right or wrong; should be or shouldn't be...and allow it all in.
When you have an experience, it can simply come in and touch consciousness directly. It doesn't need the mind to judge it as desirable or undesirable and then store it accordingly. page 162
How do you see what is real? Let the past go as the blockages naturally arise
The past blockages will come up on their own a daily basis, and when they do-let them go. ....if you want to see what is really out there, you need to get rid of your inner issues.page 163
When to let go? As soon as you get disturbed
To free yourself, the moment you notice disturbance, let go. Don't wait until that initial disturbance takes over your mind. You are perfectly aware you're beginning to get upset before you actually get upset. You feel it. You feel when something starts to bother you. If you want to grow spiritually, that's the moment when you do the work. page 163-164
How do you let go? Relax right away
...when the stuff starts to come up, the second you feel the change,relax. Don't even wait until you know what's it about; just relax and let go. page 164
At what level should we work with samskaras? At the energetic level.
You can work with your samskaras at the energetic level rather than teh mental level. This is much deeper. page 164
What is the purpose of Life then? Letting Go and Purification
Eventually, you will take it seriously that the purpos eof your life is letting go of these stored patterns....It's not about renunciation-it's about purification. It's about cleaning out the inside so you can have a beautiful life, both inside and in. page 164
Is it worth all this pain the released energy of samskara will bring? Yes!
At some point in your growth you will recognize that freeing yourself is worth the discomfort of letting go of past disturbances...We are talking about putting out a fraction of that effort to win everything, and the fruits of your effort will keep giving over time. Imagine not having those sensitive blockages in there. Imagine being able to enjoy the world as it unfolds around you. You can begin to appreciate life and wholeheartedly participate in it. Page 165
All is well.
Michael A. Singer ( 2022) living untethered. New Harbinger/ Sounds True
Saturday, February 11, 2023
Shining Armour
The Knight's Shining Armour
Battle weary, broken
and bruised,
beneath this shield that you see,
I peer through
the armour,
that constricts
and restricts,
the blood flow
to my heart.
Yet the armour shines,
so important to
keep it shining,
reflecting your
perfect image back to you.
You expect this
iron casing,
to echo each practiced expression
of your pain,
to reveal to you
your selected sorrows
and photoshopped glimpses of your beauty,
so you can see
your “self” clearly.
You want this outer
layer, this “me”
to show you
that it feels what you feel,
that it understands
that which lies
so precariously
the flimsy
shield of your own armour
and the deep bleeding
tissue of your being.
I am to see
through the metal you wear,
with my Xray
while I, with a
surgeon’s precision,
dare not pierce the surface,
of your tender
with the beams
of my magical radiation,
causing even a
drop of blood
or an ounce of
to make its way
through to you.
Then I am to
reveal, in perfect detail,
on my own
shining surface,
the mystery of
what I pretend to have seen,
with my
intimate dissection
of your still
hidden Self.
What glistens
from my surface then
fills in the
cracks and holes of your armour,
helps to create
noisy barrier
of underlying protection,
over the layer of your vulnerable tissue
so nothing
tucked away beneath,
can come
It is of utmost
that nothing
tucked away beneath
come through.
My role as your
special person,
astride my
restless steed,
is to gallantly
build and protect
your defensive
to protect the
underlying barrier,
and to keep the
blood flow
of the real
you from emerging,
while my own
armour creaks and strains
with the rust
of its neglect,
a rust I must keep forever hidden
beneath the shine
of the outer
If I falter in
my mission,
I am painfully
your well
sharpened sword,
knowing instinctively
where even the
best armour opens,
will find its
way through the metal,
through the barrier
of chain mail,
through my hidden
and into my constricted
The long- ago
written rules
of love and war
remind us,
that this is
only fair.
So heavy is this
that we have learned,
through the devoted
of the human
to stare at each
other behind.
How blinding
and misleading
is the reflection
it gives back to the world.
So broken am I
beneath it.
I feel the blood
through my rusting mail,
pooling in the
space between it
and the metal
casing that you see,
making its way through holes
the hungry rust
has eaten through.
You will see it
First in
trickles, then in gushes,
painting my
armour red with
my much too
long stuffed reality,
dimming the
shine of your reflection
with all I
stuffed away,
in order to be
your knight in
shining armour.
My heart wants to beat
without constraint,
to push the Life fluid through my vessels
with each laborious contraction,
and into the tissue
that longs to be exposed.
You may be
devastated by the naked flesh
that emerges
from my opening,
But I,
who I really am
and who I have
always been,
like a bloody infant emerging
from a cold, metal womb,
will finally be
If you look
close enough at that
which which was once
hidden so cleverly
beneath the surface reflection
I wore,
my love,
you too will
see your Self.
And no longer will the services of
a Knight's armour be required.
February 2023
Brought to mind these quotes from ACIM on the dangers of special relationships. There is no danger in love...it is everything...but when we look to others to reflect love back to us(as if it can be found "out there", when it is inherently "in here"), to protect us from our own buried samskaras, or to to keep us from feeling pain...then there is a problem with love. Most special relationships are simply modes of defense and attack.
Specialness is the great dictator of the wrong decisions. Here is the grand illusion of what you are and what your brother is...Specialness must be defended. Chapter 24 I :5:1-4
Specialness is the seal of treachery upon the gift of love.ACIM Chapter 24 II:12:1
Anyway, what do I know?
All is well.