Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Yoga Nidra


First it is an intention

Then a behavior

Then a habit.

Then a practice

Then a second nature.

Then it is simply who you are. 

Brendon Burchard 

I am going to offer you a Yoga Nidra guided practice. 

What is Yoga Nidra? 

Yoga Nidra is often referred to as sleep meditation because unlike traditional meditation where one sits with spine erect in order to stay alert, with Yoga Nidra you are lying down and encouraged to touch the fringes of sleep without  actually falling asleep. Because this practice activates the pineal gland to secrete Melantonin, it allows for  a deeper state of relaxation than one would find in a seated practice or in sleep even.  In fact, one hour of Yoga Nidra is said to be equivalent to four hours of sleep. 

The cool thing about Yoga Nidra is that it allows access to the subconscious that we may not get during our waking states.  It gives us the opportunity to plant some new healthy life-affirming  seeds of intention in there to replace some of those  old subconscious beliefs.  A Sankalpa is often used in tis practice.

What is a Sankalpa?  

A Sankalpa is n intention or "heart desire"  set in the the form of "I am" like you were already achieving that which you want to achieve. For example:

  • I am healing and my body is body and mind are healthy and whole.
  • I am receiving the universe's abundance
  • I am happy, peaceful and joyous
  • I am loved and loving
  • I am safe, secure  and well supported.  
  • I am wealthy in all ways
The Sankalpa's are what you long for and are meant to be created by you. Like all beliefs we want to plant into the subconscious they must be relatable and believable to you. For example..."I am enjoying the million dollars in my account" may be hard for your subconscious to register as true.  Where as, "I am receiving abundance" may be more realistic.

Take a few minutes to come up with a Sankalpa before you begin the video below.  
Enjoy your practice! 


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