Saturday, February 19, 2022

Prayer Gesture/ Anjali -Mudra


The light in me sees and honors the light in you.

The Meaning of Namaste

Question 24: Why do you do that funny thing with your hands at the beginning and end of each practice?

Prayer Gesture= Anjali-mudra

This simple, often used hand gesture or Mudra, which is an energetic seal in yogic practice, can be translated into "offering"...usually indicating an offering of a greeting or blessing.  It is often associated with Namaste which can be translated as above. It is also done over the heart Chakra showing that the greeting offered comes from the heart and helps the giver to return to the heart. By placing the right and left palm together we are balancing the right hemisphere of the brain with the left hemisphere, connecting yin with yang.

A very simple but well meaning gesture even if it has just become habit for me. 

All is well

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