Monday, February 28, 2022

Loving What We Do And Trusting Future Payment

 If you love your work, if you enjoy it, you're already a success. 

Jack Canfield

Here I am again, showing up for work, sitting at my desk, doing what I feel needs to get done.  My boss is the muse behind me directing my fingers to keep up with the ideas she puts in my mind. And I, in some type of dictated  shorthand, am jotting down what I am told to.  Sigh! 

I do not get paid by the hour or even by salary.  I get paid retroactively on commission lol.  Still waiting for the check to come in the mail.  I have to have faith that it will. In the meantime, I just enjoy what I am doing, right here, right now. 

All is well! 

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