Thought I would share this little snippet of a very imperfect speech I recently gave ( to my dog and cat...who btw were not very attentive lol). I have decided I was going to do a TEDtalk...more likley a TEDx talk before I leave this planet. So I am practicing in an attempt to grease some rusty speaking skills. And they are rusty as the clip shows.
I also wanted to discuss this topic which is near and dear to me. I believe if we want a healthier world we begin with ourselves, then we teach our children how to create that (by children I mean the children of this global village). It all begins with finding serenity within.
Though I know I am exactly where I am supposed to be as a person and as a parent...that all things that Life threw our way were meant to be...looking back I see the one thing I didn't teach my childen was the one thing I wish I did very early on...and that is how to live with serenity. I believe we, as elders in this global village, need to make that a priority lesson in our homes and institutions. Peace is everything and it doesn't come from anything the external world provides or takes away. None of us know what challenges life has in store for us and peace and serenity means being open to all of them! So I want to share what I learned the hard way to anyone who will listen. (As I cat and dog were not too keen on listening...hoping that is not an indication of future prospects lol )
All is well!
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