Friday, June 11, 2021

Creations of Value

 Not to be attached to something is to be aware of its absolute value.

Suzuki, page 50

I listened to an Eckhart Tolle video today, see below, about how to tell the difference between knowing  if what we are doing is guided by ego or the higher Self. That brought me to the Buddhist teachings on "detachment" and that brought me to the book I just finished reading, Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind.

What I am learning is that what we do is valuable as long as it is "inspired" by something Greater than ego motive. It is valuable as long as we experience 'harmony" in the process.  

As we awaken into a harmonious relationship with Life, Tolle tells us , we go through three stages.  We begin to accept Life as it is (higher Self/ big 'I') instead of resisting (ego, little 'I'). Then we begin to not only accept but enjoy rather than resent. From there we progress to enthusiasm where we are able to create or give birth to something new. If we create from this type of  enthusiasm than what we create will be valuable. 

We can also tell if ego is interfering and misguiding us on our way to creating enthusiastically by how we respond to obstacles, achievements and outcomes. If we fall into negativity when we hit the unavoidable obstacles that are sure to come in any creative process, than ego is likely still in charge. If we react with only a short lived sense of satisfaction from our achievements ...again it is ego taking us away from what is valuable. Finally, if we are more focused on getting to some outcome than the process itself ( seeking  the material or exchange value of the creation), it is ego.  

Something to think about. 

And when we repeat, "I create, I create, I create," soon we forget who is actually the "I" which creates the various things; we soon forget about God. This is the danger of human culture. Actually to create with the "big I" is to give; we cannot create and own what we create for oursleves since everything was created by God...But because we do forget who is doing the creating and the reason for the creation, we become attached to the material or exchange value. 

Suzuki, page 50

All is well

Shunryu Suzuki (2020) Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind. 50th Anniversary Edition. Shambhala/Kindle

Eckhart Tolle ( June, 2021) Does Excitement Come From the Ego?

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