Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Healing: Letting Go of Resistance

No matter how much it gets abused, the body can restore balance.  The first rule is to stop interfering with nature.
Deepak Chopra

Another day of recovery for me so I am a little slow on the draw.  :) 

Been experiencing a lot of the pelvic pain again over the last 48...keeping me up at night, pacing etc.  I want to take this pain experience into my understanding of the difference between the over-specification and the generalization of wellness or lack of.

The Specific Diagnosis for a Lack of Wellness

"Peri-menopausal exacerbation of Chronic Deep Infiltrating Endometriosis with a growing chocolate cyst left ovary,"  is how I would diagnosis my condition  if I were doing the specializing and division thing.  Of course, in order to diagnosis this way if I were a Gyne,  I would have to do laparoscopic examination  to view and dissect and remove tissue to determine the validity of this diagnosis...which we are not going to do.  Menopause and the expected end to this problem is too close to bother with all that nonsense. (I just know without doubt this is what it is.)

Of course I am not qualified to make any medical diagnosis' or even agree or disagree with a medical diagnosis...I did not mean to allude otherwise in this or other posts.  I also do not want to bore you with the details of my health issues. Just trying to make a point.

Let's Take Steps to Generalize

I could remove some of the specification and make a more generalized diagnosis: pelvic pain due to a gynecological condition.

From there I could generalize a bit more to encompass the body as a whole: physical fatigue, aggravation of other physical conditions  and discomfort related to pelvic pain

From there I could generalize further: pain and fatigue leading to a sense of being physically unwell.

From there I could take it to: inability to think clearly and positively, to feel peppy, happy and energetic, or to be spiritually present due to physical focus.

Finally, further into generalization: a sense of being less than well due to a blockage of Source energy flow. Imagine seeing that diagnosis on a medical chart lol, but is that not ultimately what it is?

To me, these are all accurate diagnosis' (some of them are nursing diagnosis,' btw, so I can get away with creating them lol) .  Yet they are all going to lead to different solutions and modes of healing, are they not?  Which one, then, will determine the ultimate healing?

What Diagnosis will Lead to Fixing the Problem?

Let's just look at the two ends of the spectrum to answer this question. What will lead to ultimate healing: the very specialized form of diagnosing or the very generalized?

From the Specific:

If I were to accept the first diagnosis (that I have given myself btw...lol). I would have dissected the physical from the entire being, the yin from the yang within me, the reproductive system from all other systems in my body and the endometrial cells from all other cells.  I would accept a very "specific" something at the "specific" cellular level as the source of my problem with being well.

That diagnostic solution   will involve cutting into my body, removing pieces of tissue and organs in order to rectify the problem. The endometriosis will not go away...it will, until I finally hit full menopause, just keep building up somewhere else.  The pain might temporarily go after I endure six weeks of post operative recovery but unless all reproductive tissue (which can be, by the migrating tendency of endometriosis, anywhere in the body by now) is removed that will never be a guarantee.

With patience and time, however, nature will fix this problem on her own. When estrogen, progesterone, LH, and FSH finally subside with the natural aging process...menopause...these cells will no longer be fed, will no longer bleed or cause problems related to the bleeding.

Scientifically, the  above diagnosis makes absolute sense to me.  It explains the scientific cause of my pain.  I see it.  I understand it.  It is very logical.

It does not, however, lead to healing. And it is healing that I want more than a diagnosis.

To the General:

What about the last diagnosis: A sense of being unwell due to a blockage of Source Energy?  Does it sound like a bunch of woo-woo nonsense to you? Quackery?

When I look at that with my scientific mind that was trained in nursing under the medical model...it looks like quackery.  It is too general to make sense to me. Yet when I think of it in terms of its healing potential ...I say, "Yes!  That's it!"

If we  remove all the  specifics in healing and see it simply as a letting go of  resistance to  a natural, inherent flow of wellness that is always flowing through us because we are just extensions of what Einstein called " the field" and others called "Source energy" ...then this diagnosis should make sense. 

All pain, all so called illness whether it be physical, mental or emotional is simply resistance to what is.  We unknowingly block that energy with our resistance.  We block the grace, the ease, the peace that we are meant to feel with our resistance.  The resistance is simply the "dis" in front of the "ease" that is our birthright. If we knew that ...truly knew it...we were never be sick.

Bruce Lipton, in his wonderful book, The Biology of Belief(2005) shows evidence of how we know that even at the cellular level but allow ego and others outside ourselves convince us otherwise..  My misbehaving endometrial cells know that I am wellness and that balance, healing and restoration are mine once I believe it to be true in my mind.

These "specific" cells may misbehave to get my attention but it wouldn't matter if it was these cells or my myocardial cells acting up.  It wouldn't matter if it was my mind, emotions or body taking me from spirit. We do not need to get that specific.  Discomfort, pain, what we call "illness" is simply  a means of communication  that reminds us that we are resisting this beautiful and divine energy from flowing through our lives.  That's all.

The above diagnosis is not saying we are unwell...we simply have a sense...a belief or ego interpretation that we are unwell...we have that because we are blocking Source Energy with our resistance. 

That general diagnosis above leads to healing. It leads to healing of not just one minor physical issue but absolutely everything!  By accepting it, it heals everything! How amazing is that? I choose the general over the specific.

I love this quote from Deepak Chopra, a medical doctor who sees the "whole" and "general" picture.:
Soul loss is regarded as the most serious diagnosis and the single  greatest  cause of premature death or serious illness by the traditionals, and it is not even mentioned in medical texts.

Where to go from Here?

I know so little. I am not sure how to let go of resistance.  I don't even know where and how I am resisting.  Right now...it is enough for me to know that I am and that is the source of my perception of a wellness problem. 

I am well.  I have always been well.  I will always be well but somehow I am resisting the energy that is wellness. Are you?

I will figure the rest out eventually.

All is well in my world.

References and recommended readings:

Lipton, Bruce. (2005) The Biology of Belief. Authors Pub Corp

Chopra, Deepak...absolutely everything he has ever written :)

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