Our happiness depends on the habit of mind we cultivate. So practice happy thinking everyday. Cultivate the merry heart, develop the happiness habit, and life will become a continual feast.
Norman Vincent Peale
Wow! It really is all in the mind isn't it?
I woke up this morning thinking about my relationships , my life circumstances and challenges (the good, the bad and the ugly lol) . I imagined myself trying to explain the significance they play in my life to someone when they asked the question, "Are you happy...why or why not?"
I was quite astonished that when I looked in the mirror...as if on camera while being interviewed by Oprah Winfrey in a Super Soul Sunday episode (Heck...if you are going to go off on a thought tangent...you might as well make it big an exciting eh? ) ...I answered back with, "My happiness or lack of has nothing to do with other people or external circumstances...only how I choose to think about them!"
It was an automatic, sincere and a profound thought response...one that would make Oprah sit back in her chair, say "Oh! I like that!" and repeat those words...twice! I felt the "aha!" in that realization, the learning that officially became a belief planted deep in my subconscious as I wiped the steam from the mirror and gave the cameras one of those, "Oh...I am so wise!" looks.
Then poof! The interview was over and I realized I was scalding my hands under the hot water I didn't adjust correctly. Ouch! Time to get back to reality. :)
Our Happiness Depends on the Habit of Mind We Cultivate.
The third step to take, if you choose to follow my route to happiness, is to review your thoughts feelings and beliefs...keep what works and delete the rest. It is all about the cultivation that you are fully responsible for, not the externals that show up.
We need to cultivate a habit of mind that allows for happiness. If you are planting a garden that will supply you and your family with all your nutritional sustenance ( I am vegetarian by the way so this analogy works for me lol). ...would you plant things that were toxic and poisonous if eaten, things you couldn't eat or that simply tasted so bad they made you sick? No!
What would you do with those things that grew in your garden that harmed the soil and interfered with the growth of the healthy food you would be eating? Would you not put the effort into weeding and taking away the unhealthy? Would you not be nourishing the wanted to create a healthy garden so you and those you loved could have a healthy life?
Tend the Garden of Your Mind
Think of your mind as a garden... a garden you and you alone are responsible for creating and tending. This garden is your life source...it will determine how well you live. It will determine if you are healthy or unhealthy, happy or not happy; fulfilled or not fulfilled. The well being of this garden will depend on what you plant and what you remove. Your happiness will depend on what thoughts , feelings and beliefs you plant and which one you weed out.
Life circumstance and external variables will go on around you. Some days the sun will shine beautifully and the rain will fall softly. Other days, there will be droughts, and heavy rains...winds that threaten to knock you down...people attempting to tramp all over your produce and destroy what you worked so hard for. You may be tempted to blame others and things for what grows in your mind...but...no one...no one is responsible for your gardening success or lack of but you!
Review what is Growing in your mental garden
So what have you got growing in your mental garden? Is your garden overrun with negativity weeds: can'ts, nots, proclamations of blame, judgement, or unworthiness. Is there fear there? Doubt? Shame? Resentment? Blame? These things can grow rampant if you don't take care.
Once you examine your garden get on your hands and knees and roll up you sleeves. Gently remove the thoughts and feelings that are draining you. Do not resist them, do not hate them...just recognize their presence and gently let them go. They do not serve you. They do not serve life.
When it comes to beliefs, remember they may be more deeply rooted. It may take a little extra work and sometimes help from others to remove them. Just be willing to do so.
Once the non life affirming is removed, till and refresh your soil with stillness, solitude and quiet. Then plant the seeds of forgiveness, love, peace and gratitude and you will be amazed how quickly they will blossom and grow. Within no time there will be no room for weeds!
Fill your garden with happy thoughts and your life will be a happy one! Life will be a continual feast!
With a well cultivated mental garden you will have lots of sustenance to take you further on your journey to a happy life! Cultivate well and eat up!
All is well in my world.
Peale, N. (1952) The Power of Positive Thinking. New-York: Prentice-Hall (I have an old copy :))
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