A.D. Posey
Oh My! Another series of thoughts begin in my mind therefore another series of posts will be written here. Oh how this questioning thing inspires ideas, allows for creation and drives one completely batty! lol
I have been thinking.
Here, I write and speak about getting beyond thinking...and yet...those 60,000 thoughts keep churning in my head. I call this inspired thinking though...different from the churning of tired old repetitive and negative thoughts that take up so much of our mental energy. These inspired thoughts feed us with energy...take us to higher places...allow for expansion through creation. (Well that is how I rationalize it anyway :))
So I have been thinking about healing, energy and the only thing in life that prevents healing...resistance. There is so much I want to understand as I seek healing...so much I want to pass on to others as I learn. I don't know where to begin.
I want to heal from my own physical condition that I perceive limits me. I want to heal from the hold my ego has on me leading me into pathological doing , and unhealthy thought patterns that cause less than life enhancing emotional reactions and therefore impinge on health.
I equate healing with peace. I believe we need to reach that level of peace before we can truly embrace wellness in the holistic way it is meant to be embraced.
So what kinds of questions, ideas or possible avenues to take my writing get spun as I think on this matter?:
- I want to understand the difference between holism and this over specialized and divided vision of wellness that the world has adopted with the medical model.
- I want to understand energy...where it comes from and how it can be allowed to flow more abundantly through us
- I want to understand what healing really is in holistic terms
- I want to understand resistance to healing and how to let it go.
All is well in my world.
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