Saturday, August 5, 2017

Happiness Directions: Step Two: Change Your Trajectory

Happiness is your nature.  It is not wrong to desire it.  What is wrong is  seeking it outside when it is inside.
Sri Ramana Marharshi

Step Two: Change Your Trajectory

It is time to have a good look at where we are heading. Is humanity, as a whole, going in the right direction?  Are we headed for a universal happiness that is found in peace and harmony?  Think about it.  Are we? Are you?

I cannot speak for you but I would guess most of us aren't.  I would say, though we want these things, we are headed in the wrong direction. And if most of us are steering off path and getting lost, humanity is going to suffer, the planet and all other beings are going to suffer. 

Isn't it ironic? We want to end suffering but because of the way we are going when we depend on these  faulty maps we are following,  we are unintentionally (and in rare cases intentionally) causing more of it. We need to change our course.  We need to point ourselves in another direction.


So which direction are most of us  going in now? We are heading outside the Self...away from truth and Spirit and we have been doing that for long enough to put us in the deep dark woods of ego where we can not see the forest through the trees.  We are so enmeshed in ego's chaos we don't even know we are lost. 

We are so busy doing obsessively, attaining, achieving, competing, claiming, separating, going, going, going, thinking, making excuses, blaming, judging, creating walls and borders, overusing, monopolizing, destroying, clinging, defending and attacking that we got ourselves so far from home base it seems we will never get back. We are told these things will take us home but they do anything but get us there. 

We are walking around in circles and calling it "normal".  Of course it is normal because most of us are doing it...but is it healthy?  Is it  the right direction to happiness?  Where the heck is True North in this mess?  How the heck do we get home?  Oh my goodness!  Do we even remember where home is?

Where is Home?

Home is not out there in the busy world we call normal.  Home is inside...past the doing, the thinking and the relying on conditioned beliefs. Home is the  place within you  that never changes, never goes away, that remembers you though you may not remember it.  Home is where you came from and where you will always "be" when you stop the doing  long enough to feel it.  Home is where you are connected to something so much bigger than your little self and where you recognize the power of the greater Self. Home is where the solutions to all humanity's problems can be found.  Home is where peace, harmony and happiness await in abundance. 


 Ego, however, will never direct you will direct you as far from home as it can.  It will get you good and lost.  Recognize you are lost and be willing to change your trajectory.

How do we get home?

Put down that map ego (yours and others)  insists you follow and do what everyone should do when they find themselves lost.  Stop,  Calm down and  Breathe!  Stop running in circles...stop doing.  See that it is not getting you anywhere.  Just sit, rest and breathe!

The True North on your compass will never point out there points to the world within you.  You are the True North.  You are already home.  You are already complete.  You are already everything you want to be.  And you will only discover that when you go inside.

So practice sitting still.  Practice following the guidance of your breath.  It will lead you to the wisdom of your Soul. 

You want happiness? Stop allowing ego to send you around in circles getting you more and more lost.  Stop looking outside for it for it will never be found there.  Change your trajectory.  change your direction.  Head inward.  Head home!

Well that is my take on it anyway...for whatever it is worth. :)

All is well in my world!

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