Thursday, March 16, 2023

The Rarest Thing- Getting Out of the Way

 If you want to do something meaningful in your life, you create the rarest thing that could ever walk the face of this earth, which is a vessel of peace. You let God be here instead of you.

Michael A. Singer

Are you a vessel of peace?  Or are you like most of us: a twisted up and tangled up ball of suffering human mind and flesh? Do you welcome and honor all that unfolds in front of you or do you resist it with your preferences? Are you focusing on your own reflection or are you noticing and appreciating the bigger picture?  Who is predominantly there, in your awareness, as you tramp around on this, i.e, "little me"/ego.... or God?  Are you in the way?

The preferring mind is  the resisting mind and  resistance is in the way of  us experiencing Life the way we are here to. We need to stop preferring, stop resisting and Let Life do its thing. We need to let it all in, respecting disturbance as the teacher it is. We want God to shine through us, not our fear.

Some day, what your life will be about, every single second of it, is to welcome everything that could ever happen so you can practice not touching it? So you just sit back there, deep inside, and get out of the way.

Michael A. Singer

Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe Weekly Talks ( March 13, 2023) Non Containment is Peace.

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