Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Talking With the Wise Ones

     There is nothing you can do with  your problems but make them worse…cuz there is no problem. There is only something you went out and touched and defined as a problem…otherwise you are aware of the unfolding of the universe.  You can do that…It is not renunciation and it is not controlling or taking . It is just remaining in the seat of conscious awareness, permitting creation to pass through  you, in  you and around you and you are fully participating in it but you are neither there or not there.

  Michael A. Singer

    What I wouldn't do to be able to sit down and have a conversation with this man. 

I have never been one for small talk...never felt comfortable with it ...always looked for something "more" in conversations.  Like lets talk about something important or nothing at all.  I am usually pretty quiet when others are talking.  I don't express or often share what is really  going on in my mind unless it is really important.  But a lot of the "important" things...like my awakening...I know, would not be considered  that "important" to others.  It would be misunderstood and deemed more than a little "woo-woo".  So I often don't share unless someone asks directly on certain subjects I had thought about a lot. That doesn't happen very often. That is why I like coming here and why I like  public speaking (and why I am pretty good at it). I can share all I kept inside for so long...what I feel really matters.  

T    There  are few out there that I can have a heartfelt conversation about Life with. Not that they are not wise, just that they think differently than I do. Most would and maybe do think I am crazier than a bag of hammers lol. I think it would take someone as woo-woo as I am to get me or  a very, very enlightened being that could see through all the crap on the surface. 

So I often imagine or dream about talking to these "wise ones" .   I dream about and imagine  talking to people like the Buddha, like Christ, like Lao Tzu or Socrates ( or any of the successive trio: Plato and Aristotle would do in a pinch) ...talking to great thinkers like Spinoza, Blaise Pascal, Michelangelo, Uell S. Anderson and Albert Einstein. ( I would really like to speak to Albert Einstein...not about numbers or physics...oh no...but just about Life). And then there are poets that have inspired me with their insightful wisdom that I would love to have a cup of tea with...Shakespeare, of course, Also Rumi, Kahlil Gibran, Tagore, Longfellow, Emerson , Samuel Taylor  Coleridge, Emily Dickinson....( and many, many more).

   II would also love to have a conversation with Thich Nhat Hanh or Wayne Dyer if they were still around; Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Tara Brach, Joseph Goldstein and Jack Kornfield ( yeah...I think Jack would be a cool person to talk to), would be good to converse with. 

B  So many...but...right now...I am thinking the way I think and see the world is very much aligned with the way Michael A. Singer thinks and sees the world. Everything he says just hits me a certain way and I find myself saying, "Yes!  Yes! Yes!"  It would be so cool to just be able to have a chit chat with him.  I learned so much already...his approach has opened me up so much already ...but I imagine there is so much more I could learn. 

   Anyway...Someday Life may steer me in that direction or maybe it won't...who knows.  Regardless, I will continue to come here and to work on the speaking and writing  about this stuff.  And I will continue having the greatest conversations with all these wise people (who do not judge me as  just cra-cra lol)...in my dreams.

     All is well.

   Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe ( March 20, 2023) Pure Awareness. https://tou.org/talks/


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