Peace is letting it be. Letting life flow, letting emotions flow through you.
Karnal Ravikant
We are just filters for all Life experience to flow through. Do you believe that?
Mesh Filters?
I see our bodies and minds as mesh ( matter connected by patches of space...think of the molecular structure: atoms/sub atomic particles surrounded by space). I see all Life experience: the events that occur around us and in us, the relationships we have with others, our words, our thoughts, our actions, our emotions and feelings, our consciousness as just energy. Like water, this energy is meant to flow. We are like the filters and strainers it flows through. When we know who we really are and do not get too attached to the stuff flowing through; if we don't try to capture it, cling to it or believe it somehow defines us; if we don't try to block it from coming trough...all of Life will just flow through us the way it is meant to. ...smoothly and naturally. And we will be soothed and refreshed, delighted with every drop of Life that pours into and through the spaces within us, no matter if it is clear or muddied. We will just allow and observe, thrilled with the experience of being a strainer or filter for Life. This is the freedom of true joy and peace we aim for...whether we know it or not.
Clogging Up
The problem arises, however, when we get in the way of our natural purpose of allowing the flow. The problem arises when we forget that we are like mesh and therefore that 90 % of us is formless, matter-less space. The problem arises when we start to cling to certain energies or experiences saying, "I like that. I want that. I need that. It makes the solid part of me more real" and we do not let it go. The energy that was meant to pass through sticks to us. The clogs start forming.
The problem arises when we say, "No that will hurt. I don't want that to pass through me." and we push away, stuff, avoid or project different experiences, emotions, thoughts or feelings away...instead of just letting them pass through. They don't go away...they become even more attached to us, blocking the awareness of the space...they just have not flowed through. So we then become "clogged", "blocked" and the energy that is Life cannot flow through the way it is meant to. We do not feel that natural flow of peace, joy, love as filters and strainers for Life...becasue our space is too blocked up and our psyches are focused on our blockages. These blockages are painful and every time new muddy Life energy attempts to flow through it hurts like the dickens so we block the flow even more. Our mission becomes about preventing the flow through rather than embracing it. New pain bumps in and disrupts our old pain so we become even more determined to "block" the flow rather than allow it. We are getting more and more clogged up and not experiencing Life the way we are meant to.
Freedom Means Cleaning the Filters so Life Can Flow.
Of course, we do not see that is what we are doing but that is what we are doing. No doubt about it! If we want freedom in our Life; if we want to feel the joy and peace we were meant to feel, we need to clean our filters by determining what it is that is blocking them. When you feel that "sting" or disruption; when you find yourself reacting to that comment someone made or are all frustrated about getting caught in a line of traffic. ...remind yourself that this is only because of your resistance to letting Life flow through you. Recognize the disturbance and "allow" it, sit with it. It is a way of telling you how clogged you are. Then allow the emotional energy of that experience to flow. As it begins to flow through... because you are allowing it will bump into other blockages...become aware of and allow well...they will start to flow through pushing out more and more blockages if you simply stop resisting Life's flow. Before long your space will be clear and you will experience how wonderful it is to be in that space, how nothing seems to disturb you from there. Life will flow easily through you.
We need to clean out our filters people...get in touch with the spaces that make us mesh, more formless than form, keeping them clean and free of all the stuff that doesn't matter. We want the peace and joy that comes from allowing Life to flow through us easily and naturally.
All is well.
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