Saturday, January 29, 2022

Infested with Creepy Crawlers

Humble yourself or you will be humbled.


Sigh!  Finally got my google analytics to work. :) And I discovered, much to ego's massive a balloon shooting across the room after  being released right before its opening was tied lol...this site is infested with creepy crawlers...and bots.  These are the so called readers making my readership go up and my head swell . 

There is no 75,000 readers.  If my calculations are correct there may be 5 ( and I don't mean 5,000...or 500...I mean 5). Oh I have to laugh at that...

I knew my readership was small and I (my ego) was okay with that as long as I felt I was getting through to one person. This stats page was showing that I had persistent and consistent readership from a Macintosh computer. using Safari over the last few months, registering from the States and for a few weeks from Japan.  It was making the numbers hike. I  had myself believing this American Macintosh computer user  was  a dedicated reader I was actually reaching lol.  I discovered today, sadly,  it was not a reader after all ...but a bot or a creepy crawler.  (Not that I should call all web crawlers creepy...most are harmless but some, however, are not so harmless.)   That  readership is not showing up on real time on my google analytics... .. therefore that provides confirmation that this so called reader was nothing but a thought in my head. I am not sure what this crawler or bot  wants from this site it taps into almost everyday...certainly not going to make anything off of me. It will find no cheese here.  I have this image of a little mechanical rotten always going back to the same spot because it knows no better...never getting ahead. Oh my ego!!! How absolutely silly it is. I was brought down out of the clouds of make belief and into the comforting but sometimes strict arms of reality. I am glad for that. I am.  I want to see things as they are, not as I want them to be. 

All is well.  a bit red-faced maybe...but well.  lol. 

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