Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Lessons 156-160

The light in you is what the universe longs to behold. All living things are still before, for they recognize Who walks with you.  the light you carry is their own.

Lesson 156 is beautiful and poetic and I believe it can be summed up in one word Namaste. The light in me offers homage reverence to the light in you.  The light in you does the same for me.  Why? Because we cannot help but to walk with God in perfect holiness. You cannot walk the world apart from God, because you could not be without Him. He is what your life is. 156:2:4-5 If this is so and of God is holy we too must be walking in holiness.  If we are holy how can there be sin, punishment and death?

We can turn from days of fearing death and instead feel the joy of life. We can do this by finding presence in the here and now, the only place where we can find the Self. Yet you have come far enough along the way to alter time sufficiently to rise above its law as, and walk into eternity a while.157:3:2 The Holy Instant is the present moment and it is here, according to this lesson, we will find Christ's/God's shining presence and perfect Love. ( Lesson 157)

Lesson 158 speaks to the issue of time and how it is a creation of the mind...not the one mind...but the individual mind.  Past and future are not real. For time but  seems to go in one direction.  We but undertake a journey that is over.  Yet it seems to have a future still unknown to us. 158:35-7. We have already taken all the steps we need to take to get to where we think we need to go.  There are no mores future steps up ahead. There is just this moment. What we want we already have because there is no past or future .  All there is is now and we and it are already complete.  Time is a trick, a sleight of hand, a vast illusion in which figures come and go as if by magic. 158:4:1-2

We can not teach experience because we cannot learn it.  It can only be revealed to us.  What we can teach is what Christ sees when He looks at us. See no one as a body. This vision beholds a light beyond the body when it looks at another.  This light is pure and beyond mistakes, fear, guilt and sin.  And it uses this vision to look out about the world and when we look with this light the light does not dim. What we recognize and then teach is that the world we look upon with the body's eyes can offer nothing compared to recognition of this light. When we shine this light on the illusions ( all the sin, all that is  "wrong' with it)  in the world, they simply disappear. Thus do you learn to give as you receive. 158:10:1

To give is how to recognize you have received.  It is the proof that what you have is yours.159:1:7 We are aware that we have received miracles only after we have given them away .  We know we have been healed when we give healing.  We know that we have been forgiven, when we forgive. Lesson 159 speaks of Christ's vision again and states it is the bridge between our physical world and our spiritual. All that we give from this vision: compassion, forgiveness, Love and healing  by simply recognizing who we are and who are brother is...will remain in the storehouse.  Nothing is lost when we give. There is no limit as to what we can give, who we can help, what we can do when we receive this miracle, when we recognize our brother as our self.

Lesson 160 tells us that Love is our home.  Fear is a stranger to the ways of love and it is present , keeping us from home, because we asked it to take our place. Love and fear cannot coexist. If you are real, then fear is an illusion. and if fear is real then you do not exist at all. When we chose fear we chose ego over Self, over God, over home, over truth  When we see a stranger in our brother we are denying Self...who we really are. We are reminded by this lesson  that we are not strangers to God and that He has not forgotten us. We must see Self in the other and return home where there is only Love.

All is well!

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