Thursday, January 31, 2019

Take care of the body

Take care of your body.  It is the only place you have to live.
-Jim Rohn

Day 22 for the pain; day 20 for the more objective symptoms (signs, I guess). I might see if I can get into see someone tonight or tomorrow. I know I have to 'do' something.   

Doing is sometimes necessary

In my desire to sit and be, I  hope I haven't given the impression that 'doing' is never necessary. There are many times in Life when action is required. I also hope I did not imply that the body is not something we have to take care of.  It isn't as significant as many of us think it is, but it is a wonderful, miraculous vehicle that allows us to do what we are here to do: Experience Life and communicate that experience with one another.  We need to respect it and honor it for that reason.  So we do, on occasion, need to do something to take care of the body. The doing, however, has to be conscious and inspired doing rather than unconscious and reactive.

Reactive Doing

Reactive doing is ego based action done out of fear and resistance to what is happening in the present moment. It involves denying, projecting, blaming, acting out against someone or self, numbing, avoiding, attacking or defending. It is counterproductive to true healing.

Well as soon as I experienced the pain 22 days ago I could have panicked.  I could have got lost in what my mind wanted to say about it, dwelling on the worse case scenario.  I could have been consumed by it. Without questioning, I could have reverted back to old dependency needs and belief systems that's said that only someone or something outside me can fix this. I could have rushed off to the nearest emergency room and said, "Do something about this or at least tell me what it is."  Considering my past history, that would not have been all that productive.  The pain would have likely been dismissed and the other symptoms diminished. I would have mentally owned that causing more shame, more tension and eventually more pain.  I may have been told to 'wait and see'. I would not go back a second time. I would have reacted from ego, not the deeper part of Self.

The doing that we can do the reactive doing.

Inspired doing

Inspired doing is the action that comes form a higher guidance.  The deeper part of Self directs it and it takes us towards real healing with forgiveness, acceptance and peace.

By sitting with the pain for a bit and not 'doing' anything but watching it from that calm space, getting to know it, accepting and allowing it I was freed of the resistance and the  fear.  My mind was clearer.  My body wasn't ruling.  My decision to wait and see seemed justified.  I knew in my heart it wasn't going to matter if I waited one week or three, so I allowed myself that time to become somewhat 'friendly' with what was happening. I had time to remove story, drama and narration from the physical experience so that I could see clearly.  I determined what I had the power to do  about it and asked the question: "Is medicine really necessary?  Do I have to seek outside myself for a solution? " The longer the signs and symptoms persisted I realized that it would be a good idea to get it checked out by a body mechanic. 

So I go with a calm mind, confidence that my symptomology is worthy of consideration, and with a willingness to accept whatever it is for being what it is. That is inspired doing.

That doesn't mean you should wait 22 days

I waited because I had a good understanding what was happening and what the risks were.  I kind of triaged myself.  If you are not sure, however, don't wait.  Pain, remember, is a way your body communicates with tells you that there is something going on inside be it physical or something else. Listen!  Of course, you don't have to listen for 22 days lol.

Medicine can play a beneficial role

Sometimes I read what I write and think I sound like A Christian Scientist.  I am not.  A Course has some similar ideologies but I don't adhere to all those either.  I just truly believe we are responsible for our bodies and if we control the mind somehow, we will effect the way our bodies function.  We are responsible for our own  health. Medicine is not the only way to heal. I do think, however, it and other health professions can play an important role in helping us to do so.

It's all good.  All is well in my world.

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