Saturday, January 19, 2019

The Portal to Miracles

Once a certain level of presence arises…a challenge simply intensifies presence instead of the old reactive pattern [a little me tizzy fit of resisting what is]…The movement of intelligence goes into that moment that is challenging. So a challenge comes and it is faced completely in a field if intense awareness.  ….It is not mentally analyzed… what is dealing with the challenge is not the limited conditioned mind with its conditioning.   What is now dealing with the situation is the one universal intelligence.  You would be amazed how quickly situations resolve themselves through  the simple act of giving full, and complete, non- interpretative, non-judgemental attention- clear space.  Of course that is only possible  if the portal that is the act of surrender is open. …. If you accepted unconditionally whatever this challenge is that forms this moment.

Been awake since 444 lol.  Felt the moon shining in and pulling me by some gravitational force to this room. :) A manuscript I was editing was opened on the screen.  I read through that and I thought "Man, maybe that's a sign I need to send this out again.  It reads pretty good. It might even get published." 

Then I heard in my head the mantras I have been writing: Is that so?  Maybe.  It really doesn't matter. I don't mind what happens because it is no big deal.

That's funny because I woke up thinking about my kids  who need me in ways I really do not seem to know how to help.  I recited those phrases then, at 4:44, but it didn't seem to settle me like it does with my writing worries or projections.  The publication of my writing I know really doesn't matter in the big scheme...the wellness of my children still does. I feel like "I should" be worried about that.  Hmmm! 

I think the thing is to start practicing with the small things (writing) and work up to the big until we realize there is no difference between the big and the order of priority or importance to miracles.  The cessation of worry is an indication that a miracle is happening in us:)   What is the actual miracle?  Getting beyond ego, pain body, and mind stuff to  the clear open space of what is. It is all good.

All is well!


Tolle, E. (May, 2018) Don't worry about what Happens. Retrieved from:

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