Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Wishes for a peace-filled 2019

And if I need but stillness and a tranquil, open mind, these are the gifts I will receive of Him.

I sat here for a while on this stormy fist day of 2019 considering how I should begin my New Year entry. I suppose I should begin by wishing all of you a very happy and peace-filled 2019. I guess...I actually wish for you stillness and a tranquil, open mind this year because that is what I wish for my self...Self. That is on the top of my resolution list.  I believe with that...and only with that...will peace and happiness and freedom be possible. Ask and we will receive.

So I ask for it for me and I ask for it for you knowing that:

And yet, in truth, it is already here; already serving us as gracious guidance in the way to go.  Let us together follow in the way that truth points out to us.  And let us be leaders of our many brothers who are seeking for the way, but find it not.
-Final Lesson: Introduction:2:4-6

I finished the Lessons from ACIM again and I finished a year of blog entries.  Isn't it ironic that I am almost full circle to the message I started with January 1st, last year.  Teach to learn, and learn to teach.  As we allow the truth to sink in, we learn it and then we teach it so we learn it.

How cool is that?

Thought this video from September 2017 might apply though I think I kind of got cut off before the big finale lol. A retro moment.

All is well in my world.

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