Saturday, July 27, 2024

What I Caught in the Intellectual Net

Great minds think a like: 

I mean I know my personal mind is not great but the One Universal Mind we all share is : )  

Let's look at the thoughts of two minds that I resonate with on the topic of there being one field, one ocean, one consciousness that we all emenate from. Let's start with Michael Singer's explanation of Yoga:

  • the quantum field is that stillness from which things get agitated and make ripples and waves building the universe...
  • the waves are the agitation of the ocean...but they are still the still ocean...
  • matter is just somthing that enemates off the wavelets of light and sound etc
  • yogis knew it was all energy thousands of years ago and science is just catching up
  • the purpose of my life is evolving so I can let things eneter my consciousness and be okay with them
  • God experiences God
  • The world of sense pours into the yogi and leaves him as it found him...srene, content, at peace
  • do your best at all times to stay seated in the seat of Self and to raise your be conscious. Breathe, and raise it up.
  • The Self is not is ecstatic...

Alan Watts, uses, the same type of analogy in his description of Zen Buddhism

  • Zen is not a philosophy...not an intellectual net on which you are trying to catch the fish of reality
  • in this unverse is one great energy but there is no name to attach to it...we tried God
  • the basic energy in Buddhism ...suchness...tat taum tat ...10,000 things, one suchness
  • the very nature of energy is  to be like waves with troughs and crests
  • you are a playing of that energy
  • energy is eternal delight ( Blake)
  • You're that
  • to be able to drift like a cloud and flow like water is the truest goal for the soul

So not only do we see the merging of two minds but the merging of two great fields of philosophy [though we know we cannot really put "what is" into conceptual frameworks ( intellectual nets) appropriately by calling them "philosphophies"]. 

If only in my own tiny intellectual net...I love when  truths come together as one.

All is well.

Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe ( July 25, 2024) Consciousness: The Creator and the Experiencer.

Alan Watts/ T & H Inspiration (July, 2024) Trust the Universe-Alan Watts on Finding Zen.

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