Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Two Foundational Truths

two foundational truths....

you were born

and you are going to die

on this speck of dust

spinning around

in infinite space

It is no ordinary speck of dust

but one that sings to 

the being blown into the

space between your first breath 

and your last

with bird song and laughter

ocean wave and soothing breeze

that performs in front of you

a brilliant drama

of actors coming and going,

currtains opening

curtains closing

with a host of spell binding comedy

and tragedy  

in between

that offers you amazing art 

to see and touch and taste

around every corner

brilliant canvases 

with flowering splashes

of the most amazing purples, reds and yellows

popping up  on a background 

of abundant green that doesnt seem to end 

blues of every shade

reflect the light of

a brilliant star

93 million miles away 

and well planned  strokes

of  contrasting whites and greys

soothe the over stimulated mind

as it tries to take it all in

Oh...the tastes you can taste 

as you feed this body 

that swirls and dances you around

ripples of salty and sweet

sour and bitter

offering your tongue

and your being

a tapestry of texture to explore

And the endless smells 

that tantalize and taunt

stirring up sweet and 

not so sweet memories

stored in the recesses 

of your amazing brain

You can touch

you can hold

you can feel the essence of yourself

oozing from the pores 

of all the other beings

that pass by

as you run your fingertips

over the miracles you encounter.

This speck of dust

you were breathed into

for a blink of an eye

on eternity's clock

is your  Eden

You think you have fallen 

from this garden

but you haven't

You are just too busy staring

at your wrinkling skin

and worrying about what your neighbor 

did or didn't do, said or didnt say

focusing on how you appear 

and what others might think

you wring your hands 

while you drip a litany of complaints

into the precious air 

you claimed as your space 

 you pace back and forth

in the mental cell you created

but you don't see the Eden 

you never left

Eden has gone nowhere

the dirty veil of your resistance, 

selecting and preferring

simply hides it from you

and now 

in that tiny span 

between your birth 

and your death

instead of enjoying 

and exploring,

loving and serving

giggling with delight

you are making 

a bloody mess

of this gift 

you have been given.

Wake up! 

And see  that this speck of dust

you are spinning on

is the  Eden

you never left

 two foundational truths

you were born and 

you will die

Your last breath is coming

there is no way of preventing 

the inevitable

Wake up and 

live before you die.  

©Dale-Lyn, July, 2024

Not great but this is how she came out lol. All is well

Inspired by:

Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe ( July 23, 2024) Exploring Foundational Truths. https://tou.org/talks/

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