Sunday, July 21, 2024

Another One


Weeding by the root. 

Fear and desire,

weeds overcrowding 

your mental garden,

have one root.

Dig it up.

Don't bother mowing over them,

burying them deeper into the earth.

They will just come up again

and again

and again

strangulating the precious


of your mind.

You will not see through 

this overgrowth

to the light that shines 

upon everything

if your gaze  is hidden 

in the busy work 

of your resistance.

You will not feel the rain 

refreshing the soil

encouraging  all 

green things to grow;

you  will not  hear  

the soothing song of breeze

nor will  you feel the touch

of its gentle fingers

if you are busy

trampling down what is.

Don't bother. 

Juust trace each prickly thing

back to its root

and pull.

Dig  up the one root

of  fear and desire

and set your garden free.

© Dale-Lyn, July 2024

Inspired by the line from the below video where Singer says, "Fear and desire have roots"...than out this came. 

All is well.

Michael A. Singer ( July 21, 2024) Growing through Fear and Desire.

All is well

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