Wednesday, October 25, 2023


Can you comprehend everything in the four directions and still do nothing? 

Tao Te Ching (Chapter 10) 

Wu-Wei is the process of doing nothing while noticing or comprehending everything. I was reminded of this as I listened to Michael Singer's podcast today.  He was talking about noticing  everything without the need to do anything about it. We need to get to the point where we can observe what is happening in us and around us without "little me's " idea of action, often based on reactivity, getting in the way  Of course, this doesn't mean that action does not take place. Action takes place naturally.

Say what crazy lady?

 I see it like this: 

You are peacefully observing all that is unfolding around you and in you (which takes practice) and suddenly you notice a fire breaking out on the stove in front of you.  You are noticing...yes. You are noticing the fire and very quickly you notice the experience within you( fight or flight activation). There are two ways to approach the noticing of this fire inside and outside. 

The first way, is the way many of us will approach it if we still have a very reactive "me" in the way.  You may jump up and down and run around screaming, "Fire! Fire! Fire!... what do I do?" And with an unclear and "me"- dominated mind, you may do something that will make the fire worse... like running away from it or attempting to stamp it out with your flammable dish towel  etc. You are noticing  and then you are "acting" but not doing so wisely or calmly.  Nothing gets done to stop the gets worse. Why? You are not in the Tao. the "me" is in the way

The second way is to take a quick mental and even physical step back when you notice the fire, take a breath of air to reconnect with the calm center within---the tao---then to just allow action to take place without the "little me" doing anything.  You  notice probably more in that moment, when your 'reactive me' is out of the picture, than you do in the previous example...and more appropriate action gets done.  You follow the Tao (go with the flow) to pick up the fire extinguisher that you suddenly notice so clearly beside the stove and you put the fire out.  You are still noticing the whole thing taking place within and without you, comprehending it clearly...and ..action takes place. You don't just sit there noticing  your house burn down. Something is getting done.  "Me", however,  is not the one doing, the one acting.  The Tao is.  The higher part of you is. "Me" is out of the way so you can flow with Tao.

I was inspired to go back to the 81 chapters of wisdom the Tao Te Ching provides on this effortless action or Wu-Wei.

So, the sage acts by doing nothing, teachers without speaking, attends all things without making claim on them, works for them without making them dependent, demands no honor for his deed. Because he demands no honor, he will never be dishonored.( Chapter 2)

The way is ever without action, yet nothing is left undone.( Chapter 37)

The highest virtue does nothing. Yet, nothing needs to be done. The lowest virtue does everything. Yet, much remains to be done. (Chapter 38) 

Act without action (Chapter 63)

So, the sage does not act and therefore does not fail...He wants all things to follow their own nature, but dares not act.(Chapter 64)

Notice  and comprehend everything in the four directions and realize that you, as a "me" , don't have to do anything about it.  Just flow with it.  When action is called for, it can take place naturally and non reactively, non desirelessly and non fearfully.  That is the way of the Tao. 

 Michael A. Singer/ Temple of the Universe ( October 23, 2023) Just Noticing.

Tao Te Ching: The Taoism of Lao Tzu.

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