Friday, October 6, 2023

Hey Mind! You're Fired

 You must be willing to sit comfortably with the anguish of your heart.

Michael A. Singer 

I was up most of the night ...somewhat anxious, with the mind whirling around. It always surprises me when I slip back to that level where I am resisting the  anguish of the heart.  And that is all anxiety is, isn't it? Anxiety is our resisting sitting with the heart when it is uncomfortable.  We go to this mind that we overloaded with our demands and which is now neurotic AF, and ask it to make it all better.   The mind is just doing its job when it is whirling around like mine was last night, with all its what ifs and how are we going to prepare for that or fix that etc. It was just doing the job I asked it to do.  Why would I ask it to do that? So I wouldn't have to deal with the "what is" of reality or an aching heart. It is just an aching heart. It is what is. And even if I wanted it to, the mind can't fix it. 

We need to just let our hearts ache a bit for whatever reason they are be afraid, angry, sas,  or upset. We then have to say to the mind, "Okay , Mind. Thanks for trying but it is time for you to find employment elsewhere. I have to let this be what it is."  This will not only alleviate mind of any extra burden, it will allow us to fall back into what is really important. We have to be able to sit in whatever state the heart is in. 

When you don't have to tend to your heart you fall back to the Self...into consciousness and being.

All is well.

Michael A. Singer/ Sounds True (October, 2023) Releasing the Burden of Worry (S3, E) 4).

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