Monday, October 23, 2023

Karma and the Body

 Some of Sadhguru's Gems of Wisdom from Chapter 7 of Karma

  • If you cultivate the body in a certain way, it will actually be capable of taking on more of a karmic load.  page 131
  • ...stress is caused when people try to run their life engine without adequate 134
  • The practice of hatha yoga helps to knead the physical body as well as the entire system(including the karmic system) in a way that smooths these frictions out.  page 134
  • people's systems grow confused because the information within them says one thing, but their life events say another. page 134
  • important to live in practice hatha and kriya yoga...can help us attain [and maintain]  an inner state that is untouched by the outside page 135
  • Yoga places greater faith in the physical than it does in the mental page 140
  • the aim is not to see something, but to simply see page 140
  • When you consciously seek freedom from karma through a spiritual practice, you are essentially on fast forward. page 146
  • The whole point of the spiritual process is to take on more of a load than your allotted one in order to finish off as much as possible.  page 146
  • Only practice, or sadhana, helps break the cyclical movement of life. page 148

Our freedom exists in what we do physically, just as much as it does with what we do mentally and spiritually. Practice your Hatha, Pranayam, and Kriya as you make it your intention each day to be free of your karmic load as soon as possible..

All is well. 

Sadhguru (2021) Karma: A Yogi's Guide to Crafting Your Destiny. New York: Harmony Books. Chapter 7: Karma Yoga and the Physical Body. 

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